Poster and audio samples associated with: Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (2024). Simulation of sentence-level speech with an acoustically-driven model of speech production. To be presented at the 186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/Acoustics Week in Canada, Ottawa, Canada, May 17, 2024 in session 5aSC, Speech Production and Speech Tech.
5a. “I have a perfect memory” – simulation 5b. “I have a perfect memory” – simulation with alternate timing (not shown on poster)5b – Animation: Slow motion animation of the time-varying vocal tract and resonance frequencies for “I have a perfect memory”.
5c. “I have a perfect memory” – same as 5b but simulated as approximately an 8 year-old child.
6. “People talk by means of acoustic signals” – simulation