[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.0.2″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.0.2″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.0.2″][et_pb_post_title meta=”off” featured_image=”off” _builder_version=”4.0.2″][/et_pb_post_title][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.3″ hover_enabled=”0″]Compiled by Kelly Pemberton from submissions to RISA-L (November 15, 1999).
Farid Esack, On Being a Muslim: Finding a Religious Path in the World Today (Oxford: Oneworld, 1999)
Farid Esack, Qur’an, Liberation & Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity Against Oppression (Oxford: Oneworld, 1996)
Abdulkader Tayob, Islam in South Africa: Mosques, Imams, and Sermons (Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1999)
Tayeb Salih, The Wedding of Zein and Other Stories
“Popular Islam, in Tayyeb Salih’s Works,” JAL 11 (1980): 88-104
Cheikh Hamidou Kane, Ambiguous Adventure (Heineman, 1998)
Other useful sources are:
Mervyn Hiskett, The Development of Islam in West Africa (London, Longman Group, 1984) A bit dense, but very informative
Lamin Sanneh’s The Crown and the Turban (Boulder: Westview Press,1997)
I also found a couple of the articles in Barbara Metcalf’s Making Muslim Space (Berkeley: UC Press, 1996) to be very helpful for a view of some of the issues facing African Muslims abroad, particularly:
“‘Refuge’ and ‘Prison’: Islam, Ethnicity, and the Adaptation of Space in Workers’ Housing in France” and “Making Room Versus Creating Space: The Construction of Spatial Categories by Itinerant Mouride Traders”