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Ayodhya and Babri Masjid (Amy Allocco 2020)
Babb, Lawrence A. 2019. Religion in India: Past and Present. Dunedin Academic Press. (last two chapters)
Gandhi, Ramchandra. Sita’s Kitchen: A Testimony of Faith and Inquiry. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.
Nath, Ram R. Architecture & Site of the Baburi Masjid of Ayodhya: A Historical Critique. Jaipur: Historical Research Documentation Programme, 1991.
Jain, Meenakshi. The Battle for Rama: Case of the Temple at Ayodhya (2017)
Herman, Phyllis. “Sita in the Kitchen: The Pativrata and Ramarajya” in Manushi
Herman, P. “Relocating Rāmarājya: Perspectives on Sītā’s Kitchen in Ayodhyā.” Hindu Studies 2, 157–184 (1998).
Narayanan, Vasudha. “The Strains of Hindu-Muslim Relations: Babri Masjid, Rituals, Music, and other Areas where the Traditions Cleave.” Hinduism and Secularism: After Ayodhya, edited by Arvind Sharma. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001, 159-202. (few pages contextualizing this with earlier political and social history—Shah Bano case and the very different dynamics until the 1990s in Tamil Nadu)
Truschke, Audrey. 2019. “The Ayodhya Verdict is a cornerstone of the Hindu Rashtra.” The Caravan: A Journal of Politics and Culture, December 15, 2019. (available here: https://rutgers.academia.edu/AudreyTruschke)
Anand Patwardhan’s controversial documentary made *before* the demolition of the masjid provides one important viewpoint:
See also his additional statement:
News articles
Article discussing the Indian legal concept of the “juristic personhood” of Hindu deities (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-50053301)
About KK Muhammed (only Muslim member of the Archaelogical Survey of India team that did excavations at the Babri Masjid site in 1976-77), who states that the excavations they conducted revealed remains of a large Hindu temple below the mosque.
NY Times (August 5, 2020) https://nyti.ms/2DA7jMs
Editorial from The Hindu on the day in 1992 when Babri Masjid was destroyed.
Articles with timelines:
Menon, Jaya and Supriya Varma. “Was There a Temple under the Babri Masjid? Reading the Archaeological ‘Evidence’.” Economic and Political Weekly 45. 50, 11 Dec, 2010. https://www.timesnownews.com/mirror-now/in-focus/article/ayodhya-verdict-what-are-the-existing-structures-in-the-2-77-acre-land/513245