Upon being approved for the SARI-L listserv, subscribers can change their settings from direct mode (receiving each email to the list individually) to digest mode (a weekly compilation) using one of the email list commands.
To send a command to Sympa, email list@list.arizona.edu and type a command into the subject line of your email and leave its body blank. Send these email commands from the email address that is subscribed to the SARI-L listserv.
Commands for users
SET sari-l MAIL
– normal message delivery mode (default)
– receive messages in digest mode
– receive messages in digest mode (plain text)
SET sari-l NOT_ME
– not receiving your own posts
UNSUBSCRIBE sari-l email -
unsubscribe from the list. The email address is required only if you want to unsubscribe with an address other than the address with which you send the message