Description, Purpose, & Eligibility

The South Asia Religions Section (SARI) is a special-interest group within the American Academy of Religion (AAR). Its purpose is to further the academic study of the religious traditions of South Asia, both classical and modern. The purpose of SARI-L, the email list of SARI, is to provide a forum in which the professional scholars active in SARI may exchange ideas and information on matters pertaining to their research and teaching.

SARI-L subscriptions are not open to the general Internet public. Subscriptions are normally available only to active AAR members with terminal degrees in related academic disciplines researching and/or teaching in the area of religion in South Asia. Guest subscriptions are available to other active scholars with such qualifications, or to graduate students currently doing work in these fields (with advisor endorsement). It is assumed that subscribers are familiar with current methodologies and assumptions in academic religious studies. These eligibility criteria are enforced strictly to help ensure that the discussion remains as much as possible on an informed, professional, and academic level.

Undergraduate and graduate students in related disciplines may obtain subscriptions to SARI-L if they are sponsored by a faculty mentor who is an AAR member and a SARI-L subscriber. This faculty member should write to the list manager, recommending that the student be subscribed.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All postings to SARI-L are archived in the SARI-L Archives (password protected). 

EQUALLY IMPORTANT: All subscribers to SARI-L are expected to read and abide by the list rules. Subscribers are also expected to read and follow the SARI-L list courtesy guidelines.Smile

Potential subscribers should also be aware that a proportion of the discussion on SARI-L has to do with the internal business of SARI: program planning, organizing panels, announcements, and so on.

The SARI-L email list is supervised by SARI-L Advisory Committee and by the SARI Steering Committee.