Rat brain, based on scanning electron microscopy: Motti, E.D.F., Imhof, H.G., Yasargil, M.G. (1986) The terminal vascular bed in the superficial cortex of the rat. An SEM study of corrosion casts. J. Neurosurg. 65: 834-846

The method for reconstructing the 3D structure from SEM images is described by: Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Beamer, N.B. and Coull, B.M. Theoretical simulation of oxygen transport to brain by networks of microvessels: effects of oxygen supply and demand on tissue hypoxia. Microcirculation 7, 237-247 (2000). This paper also describes the simulation of oxygen transport in the network shown here.

Click here to see the geometric data for this network: brain99.txt (3K).

Format of data file:
Segment Node Node diam. length node from node to No. name from to x y z x y z 1 21 49 9.0 38.13 105.0 119.0 140.0 105.6 99.9 107.0
Segments and nodes (end points of segments) are numbered. Each row in the network data file refers to one segment. Segment diameter, length, and Cartesian coordinates of nodes are given in microns. The overall dimensions of the region are 150 x 160 x 140 microns.

Click here to download a file containing the blood flow data for this network: brainflow1.txt (3K)