Our simulations of oxygen transport to tissue are based on idealized three-dimensional representations of microvascular configurations. Currently, tissues being studied include skeletal muscle, brain tissue and tumors. The objective of this site is to make available information on the structures used in our simulations, for use by other investigators in this area.
Sharing such information is one of the goals of the Microcirculation Physiome Project (Popel et al., Annals of Biomedical Engineering 26, 1998) which is part of the Physiome Project. The following 3D network structures are available:
Skeletal muscle (1994)
Rat tumor, low density (1993)
Rat tumor, high density (1993)
Rat tumor (1998)
Brain (1999)
For additional network data, see our GitHub repositories
For the following network in rat mesentery, information on the topology and segment lengths and diameters is available: Mesentery (1990). Information on the topology, segment lengths and diameters for two networks, supplying areas of 27 and 54 mm2, containing 546 and 913 vessel segments, and with overall blood flow rates of 402 and 1113 nl/min and for a hypothetical small asymmetric network, containing 23 segments is available in the following files: 546-segment, 913-segment, 23-segment. These networks are used in simulations of structural adaptation in the following publication:
Pries, A.R., Reglin, B. and Secomb, T.W. Remodeling of blood vessels: responses of diameter and wall thickness to hemodynamic and metabolic stimuli. Hypertension, 46: 725-731 (2005). See commentary: Modeling the vasculature: A judicious approach? by M.J. Mulvany. Hypertension 46:652-653 (2005).
Our intention in making these data available is that they can be used for further investigations by other groups. Any publications or presentations using these data should acknowledge their source and include citations to the relevant publications, as listed with the description of each network. Please send your comments to: secomb@u.arizona.edu
Our publications showing simulations of oxygen transport by networks of microvessels include:
Hsu, R. and Secomb, T.W. Analysis of oxygen exchange between arterioles and surrounding capillary-perfused tissue. J. Biomech. Eng. 114: 227-231 (1992).
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Dewhirst, M.W., Klitzman, B. and Gross, J.F. Analysis of oxygen transport to tumor tissue by microvascular networks. Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys. 25: 481-489 (1993).
Secomb, T.W. and Hsu, R. Simulation of oxygen transport in skeletal muscle: diffusive exchange between arterioles and capillaries. Am. J. Physiol. 267, H1214-1221 (1994).
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Ong, E.T., Gross, J.F. and Dewhirst, M.W. Analysis of the effects of oxygen supply and demand on hypoxic fraction in tumors. Acta Oncologica 34, 313-316 (1995).
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Braun, R.D., Ross, J.R., Gross, J.F. and Dewhirst, M.W. Theoretical simulation of oxygen transport to tumors by three-dimensional networks of microvessels. In “Oxygen Transport to Tissue XX,” ed. A.G. Hudetz and D.F. Bruley. Plenum, New York, 1998, pp. 629-634.
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Beamer, N.B. and Coull, B.M. Theoretical simulation of oxygen transport to brain by networks of microvessels: effects of oxygen supply and demand on tissue hypoxia. Microcirculation 7, 237-247 (2000).
Kavanagh, B.D., Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Lin, P.-S., Venitz, J. and Dewhirst, M.W. A theoretical model for the effects of reduced hemoglobin- oxygen affinity on tumor oxygenation. Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys. 53: 172-179 (2002).
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R. and Dewhirst, M.W. Synergistic effects of hyperoxic gas breathing and reduced oxygen consumption on tumor oxygenation: A theoretical model.Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys., 59: 572-578 (2004).
Secomb, T.W., Hsu, R., Park, E.Y.H. and Dewhirst, M.W. Green’s function methods for analysis of oxygen delivery to tissue by microvascular networks. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 32: 1519-1529 (2004).
The following is the first of several papers on the structure and hemodynamics of microvascular networks in the rat mesentery: Pries, A.R., Secomb, T.W., Gaehtgens, P. and Gross, J.F. Blood flow in microvascular networks – Experiments and simulation. Circulation Research 67: 826-834 (1990).
Updated 27 January 2024