Cropping Systems and Physiology

The SINGH LAB provides comprehensive explanations and effective solutions to the challenges faced by farmers and stakeholders in agronomic production systems of Arizona
The SINGH LAB is dedicated to conducting research and extension programs centered on “Cropping Systems and Physiology.” This initiative focuses on exploring three key factors in Agronomy: genotype, management, and environment, with the aim of boosting both crop yield and quality. The primary goal is to provide practical solutions to the challenges faced by farmers and stakeholders in Arizona. To effectively engage with the agricultural community, the program employs various outreach methods such as Cooperative Extension, Twitter, Webex, podcasts, YouTube, and newspapers, ensuring that the needs of farmers are understood and that agronomic research and extension findings are communicated in a timely manner. Key focus areas of the Lab include crop physiology, remote sensing, and crop modeling, all aimed at uncovering the mechanisms that allow crops to adapt and acclimate to the various stresses present in Arizona’s desert environment.