Become a Mathematics Teacher
B.A. or B.S. in Mathematics
Students earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Mathematics from the College of Science. The Education Option is one of the options available for a major in mathematics. Students pursuing the Education Option take courses, beyond the General Education requirements, in two areas: (1) Mathematics and (2) Teaching and Learning Mathematics.
Preparation for Prospective Teachers
Mathematics majors in the Secondary Mathematics Education Program receive exceptional preparation and become certified by the Arizona Department of Education and are eligible for certification in other state departments of education. Our program is in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Science. We prepare individuals as mathematics majors and as teachers who will join the mathematics teaching profession as reflective practitioners with strong mathematics content knowledge.
Students who complete the program, graduate from the UA, and pass required professional knowledge exams through the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) are certified to teach secondary mathematics (grades 6-12) in Arizona and are eligible for secondary certification in other states.
Active Learning
Active Learning
The courses in Teaching and Learning and in Mathematics engage students as learners through an inquiry-based approach. The Mathematics Department faculty, both in mathematics and mathematics education, provide opportunities for students to experience and reflect upon the benefits of being active learners in constructing their own understanding of content, be it mathematical or educational. In addition, we provide future teachers with hands-on experiences in partner schools in the community in the Tucson area and beyond. We partner with the Center for Recruitment and Retention to stay connected with our graduates.
Excellence in Education
Our program is aligned with the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Professional Teaching Standards. The areas that the Professional Standards address are (1) Content Knowledge, (2) Professional Responsibility, (3) Learner and Learning; and (4) Instructional Practice.