Mathematics Courses
CSC 110 Introduction to Computer Programming or ISTA 130 Computational Thinking and Doing (4 units)
MATH 122A and MATH 122B (5 units) or MATH 125 Calculus 1 (3 units)
MATH 129 Calculus II (3 units)
MATH 223 Vector Calculus (4 units)
MATH 313 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3 units)
MATH 315 Introduction to Number Theory (3 units)
MATH 323 Formal Mathematical Reasoning and Writing (3 units)
MATH 330 Topics in Geometry (3 units)
MATH 355 Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
MATH 361 Statistics (3 units)
MATH 404 History of Mathematics (3 units)
MATH 407 Synthesis of Mathematical Concepts (3 units)
Mathematics Education Courses
MATH 205 Teaching Secondary Mathematics (3 units)
MATH 406A Curriculum and Assessment in Secondary Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 406B Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 494C Student Teaching Capstone Field Practicum (15 units)
Education Courses
EDP 301 Educational Psychology and Adolescent Development (3 units)
SERP 400 Survey of Exceptional Students (3 units)
TLS 416 Structured English Immersion (3 units)
TLS 435 Content Area Literacy (3 units)
General Education Course
POL 210 U.S. and AZ State Constitutions. This course is required for AZ Teaching Certification.
Other general education courses are required per the UA Course Catalog for B.A./B.S. degrees.
Field Practicum Clinical Internships
The Secondary Mathematics Education Program partners with secondary schools in the Tucson area to place students in
field practicum clinical internships to gain real-time mathematics classroom experience under the guidance of certified
teachers. Internships are connected to mathematics education courses listed below.
MATH 205 Teaching Secondary Mathematics (16 hours field practicum)
MATH 406A Curriculum and Assessment in Secondary Mathematics (30 hours field practicum)
MATH 406B Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics (30 hours field practicum)
MATH 494C Student Teaching Capstone Field Practicum Internship (600 hours, full-time semester internship, 75 days)
Faculty and Staff