Principal Investigator

Armin Sorooshian, Ph.D.
Armin was raised in Tucson, Arizona and attended the University of Arizona majoring in Chemical Engineering (B.S., 2003). After having received a Ph.D. at Caltech in Chemical Engineering (2008) and conducting a short 1-year postdoctoral fellowship through CIRA in a collaboration between both Colorado State University and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, he returned to the U of A as an assistant professor in 2009.
Curriculum Vitae: Armin Sorooshian’s Full CV
Graduate Students
Dare Ayoade
Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Candidate
Sanja Dmitrovic
Sanja obtained dual bachelor’s degrees in Engineering Physics and English Literature from Fordham University in New York. She also recently obtained her MS in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona, where she researched the development of a vacuum-ultraviolet Raman spectrometer for pathogen detection. Now she is pursuing her PhD in Optical Sciences and is a member of the NASA ACTIVATE mission. Her focus is the analysis of wind speed data taken by ACTIVATE’s remote sensors and other instruments. She hopes to use her knowledge of optical sciences to make significant contributions to this campaign. Other than optics, Sanja also enjoys playing violin for the University of Arizona Philharmonic Orchestra.
Optical Sciences Ph.D. Candidate

Eva-Lou Edwards
Eva-Lou was born and raised in Southwest Colorado. After shoveling snow each winter for 18 years, she left to complete college at the University of Arizona, mainly so she could wear shorts every day. In 2019 Eva-Lou received her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. Just a few weeks after graduating she started her PhD with her first field campaign, the MONterey Aerosol Research Campaign (MONARC), in Monterey, California. In the summer of 2020, Eva-Lou interned at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) under Dr. Peng Xian and Dr. Jeffrey S. Reid working on a project evaluating the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) with field data from the Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex). She is also an active member of the ACTIVATE field campaign taking place over the western Atlantic, contributing research on how African dust may influence aerosol number concentrations in parts of this region. She spends any free time she gets doing pretty much four things: pickleball, tennis, running, and hiking.
Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Candidate
Miguel Hilario
Miguel completed his BS double degree in Applied Physics and Material Science & Engineering with a minor in Data Science & Analytics at the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines in 2019, with his thesis investigating aerosol transport over the South China Sea during 7SEAS. He then spent a year as a research assistant at the Manila Observatory doing research on diurnal cycles of precipitation, seasonality of satellite-retrieved NO2, and weekly cycles of particulate matter. During this time, he participated in CAMP2Ex as part of the weather forecasting team. His most recent research characterized the long-range transport and processing of polluted air masses in Asia using aircraft measurements from CAMP2Ex. Currently, Miguel is pursuing a Ph.D. in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, co-advised by Dr. Armin Sorooshian and Dr. Ali Behrangi, with a focus on using satellite retrievals to examine aerosol-precipitation interactions. In his spare time, Miguel enjoys reading books, hiking or exploring Tucson, and listening to podcasts.
Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. Candidate

Genevieve Lorenzo
Genevieve is from the Philippines and for many years she was helping out with air quality and weather measurements in Manila Observatory. She is now a PhD student of Atmospheric Sciences in University of Arizona, and is enjoying the learning inside and outside of the classroom. Genevieve’s research work here so far has involved looking at the aerosol data collected both on the ground and airborne from South East Asia. She is also getting acquainted with midlatitude weather and aerosols. When able, Genevieve loves going for short hikes and gazing at the night sky in and around Tucson.
Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. Candidate
Kayla McCauley
Kayla was raised in West Chester, Pennsylvania and attended Penn State University majoring in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (2021). As an undergraduate, she researched dust storms in Senegal, focusing on the meteorological sources and PM modeling. Currently, Kayla is pursuing her Masters in Atmospheric Science at UA researching the extent of cloud coupling during ACTIVATE missions. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family and listening to D&D podcasts.
Atmospheric Sciences M.S. Candidate

Kira Zeider
Kira graduated from the University of Arizona in 2020 with bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering and environmental engineering. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in chemical engineering. She was selected as a 2020 Herbold Fellow and is currently working with the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining (CESM). In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family as well as watching Survivor.
Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Candidate
Group Alumni
Dr. Anna Wonaschütz (Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, 2012; currently Subject Specialist at the Austrian Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying)
Dr. Hanh Duong (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2013)
Dr. Gouri Prabhakar (Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, 2014; currently assistant professor of practice at Purdue University)
Dr. Ewan Crosbie (Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, 2015; currently research scientist at NASA Langley Research Center)
Dr. Taylor Shingler (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2016; currently Physical Research Scientist of the Chemistry and Dynamics Branch of NASA Langley Research Center)
Dr. Jong-Sang Youn (Ph.D., Public Health, 2015; currently assistant professor at Catholic University of Korea – Department of Environmental Engineering)
Dr. Lindsay Maudlin (M.S., Atmospheric Sciences, 2015; currently Assistant Teaching Professor at Iowa State University)
Mr. Elias Jarjour (M.S., Chemical Engineering, 2011; currently in industry)
Dr. Amber Ortega (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2016; currently at Air Pollution Control Division, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver, Colorado)
Dr. Zhen Wang (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2017)
Mr. Ali Khaghani (M.S., Chemical Engineering, 2017)
Mr. Colton Skillings (M.S., Chemical Engineering, 2018; currently engineer at Intel Corp.)
Mr. David Lopez (M.S., Chemical Engineering; currently in Ph.D. program at University of Arizona)
Dr. Lin Ma (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2019)
Dr. Mojtaba Azadi Aghdam (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2019; currently Senior Engineering Associate at Portland Water)
Dr. Alexander B. MacDonald (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2020; currently postdoc at UC-Riverside)
Dr. Hossein Dadashazar (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2020; currently postdoc at University of Arizona)
Dr. Rachel Braun (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2020; currently postdoc at Arizona State University)
Dr. Mohammad Moghaddam (Ph.D., Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, 2020; currently Machine Learning Engineer at American Express)
Dr. Abdulmonem Aldhaif (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2021)
Dr. Alberto Cuevas-Robles (Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, 2021; currently engineer at Western Technologies Inc.)
Dr. Ali Hossein Mardi (Ph.D., Environmental Engineering,. 2021; currently Postdoctoral Scholar at Virginia Tech)
Dr. Connor Stahl (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 2021; currently engineer at Intel Corp.)
Ms. Shruti Singh (M.S., Environmental Engineering, 2022; current engineer at HDR Engineering)
Dr. Joseph Schlosser (ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 2022; currently postdoc at NASA Langley Research Center)
Dr. Marisa Gonzalez (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 2022; currently postdoc at University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Dr. Andrea Corral (Assistant Research Scientist, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2019-2022; currently engineer at Blue Origin)
Dr. Hossein Dadashazar (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 2020; postdoc at University of Arizona, 2020-2022; currently scientist at San Diego Air Pollution Control District)