Welcome to the SRL research website!

We are interested in applying the principles of soft materials science, device engineering, and applied chemistry (molecular engineering) to probe chemical and physical interactions at complex interfaces. Our group members focus on engineering responsive soft materials–polymers and emulsions–with bio-inspired functions for a wide range of applications in biomimicry, chemical and biosensors, and environmental monitoring.

Our lab is located right in the center of the University of Arizona campus. Take a virtual tour of our lab below! We also have access to incredible facilities including the Kuiper imaging core, Keck center for nano-imaging, Laboratory for Electron Spectroscopy (LESSA), Micro/Nano Fabrication Center (MNFC), and Arizona Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants.

Our team is always looking for enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students to work on various projects. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our team!