Interested in joining our team?
Undergraduate student – Our team is always looking for enthusiastic undergraduate students to work on various projects. Interested undergraduate students should email me with a resume and a clear statement of interest. I do read every email and will respond when both the project and the applicant are a good fit.
Graduate student – Interested graduate students should email me your CV, a statement of interest, and past experience. Also, please apply to the University of Arizona to either the Chemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering PhD programs.
Postdoc – We do not currently have an open spot for postdoctoral scholars. However, exceptions will be made for exceptionally well-fitted applicants. Please also email me your CV, a statement of interest, past experience, and your scientific “super power.”
Contact Information
Suchol Savagatrup
The University of Arizona
Harshbarger Building, Room 132
Email: suchol [at]