October 28, 2024

Rohini received 2nd place prize at AIChE in San Diego! Rohini presented her research at the 2024 AIChE National Conference in San Diego. Her poster placed 2nd in the Environmental Science and Engineering section. Congrats Rohini!

August 13, 2024

Cameron’s paper was accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials! We demonstrated the relationships between mechanical and sensing properties of molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) toward the selective and robust detection of PFAS. Matt, Daniel, Leo, and Ramon are also co-authors. (Link to the paper.)

July 31, 2024

Two publications on interfacial behaviors of PFAS on model surfaces! Our collaboration with the Karanikola’s research group led to two recently published articles on the adsorption behaviors (Link: Dunmyer et al. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024) and adhesion properties of PFAS (Link: Welchert et al. RSC Applied Interfaces, 2024) on model surfaces. Congrats to McKenna Dunmyer and Jack Welchert (PhD students in the Karanikola’s research group) for leading these two projects!

May 11, 2024

Congratulations to the 2024 graduates! Six SRL members completed their degrees this Spring. Baishali and Tyler are the first Ph.D. students from our group. Aakanksha finished her M.S. degree after joining the group as a freshman. And, Laura, Sophie, and Jamie completed their B.S. degrees. Congrats to everyone!

May 11, 2024

Suchol won an award for Outstanding Faculty at the Student Interface! The award is voted by the graduating class of 2024. 

May 3, 2024

Baishali’s paper was accepted to RSC Applied Interfaces! We demonstrated the ability to classify the identity and quantify the concentration of multiple PFAS using time-series data generated from complex droplets inside microfluidic devices. Laura and Aakanksha are also co-authors. (Link to the paper.)

May 2, 2024

Aakanksha defended her MS thesis! Aakanksha successfully completed her MS thesis “Understanding the Static and Dynamic Interfacial Behavior of PFAS at Complex Liquid Interfaces.” Congrats Aakanksha!

April 29, 2024

Laura, Sophie, and Jamie won awards at the College of Engineering Design Day! Laura, Sophie, and their teammates won the AZ Technica Award for Sustainable Manufacturing Innovation for their project on “Electrocatalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Vodka Production.” Jamie and her team received the Bly Family Award for Innovation in Energy Production, Supply or Use for their project on “Plastic Recycling, Carbon Capture, and Disaster Relief through Pyrolysis.” Congrats to Laura, Sophie, and Jamie!

April 24, 2024

Tyler Durkin received two awards from the College of Engineering! Tyler was honored at the Outstanding Senior, Graduate, and Graduate TA Luncheon, hosted by the College of Engineering. He received both the Outstanding Graduate Student and the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards. Congrats Tyler!

April 12, 2024

Introducing Dr. Tyler Durkin! Tyler successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Interfacial Mechanics of Block Copolymers for the Development of Biological and Environmental Sensors.” Congratulation Dr. Durkin!

March 22, 2024

Cameron passed his Comprehensive Exam! Congrats Cameron for completing the chemical engineering Oral Comprehensive Exam.

February 29, 2024

Introducing Dr. Baishali Barua! Baishali defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “Complex Emulsions for Rapid, Real-Time, and Multiplexed Sensing Array.” Congratulation Dr. Barua!

January 26, 2024

Welcome Sophie to the group! Sophie is finishing up her senior year in chemical engineering and will be pursuing her accelerated master’s in the group. Welcome Sophie!

January 17, 2024

Jamie and Rohini received the Scott Roberts Scholarships! This $2,500 award is given to chemical engineering undergraduate students to perform independent research for the Spring 2024 semester. Congratulations to Jamie and Rohini!

November 16, 2023

Welcome Tiffany to the group! Tiffany Nguyen is currently a junior in chemical engineering at the U of A. Welcome Tiffany!

October 11, 2023

Baishali won the AIChE Women in Chemical Engineering (WIC) Travel Award! WIC award recognizes early career researchers with impacts in chemical engineering. Congratulations to Baishali! (Link to AIChE WIC.)

August 15, 2023

Cameron won PMSE Best Poster Award at the Fall 2023 ACS Conference in San Francisco! The PMSE Best Poster Awards recognize outstanding posters presented by graduate students at the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meetings. Congratulations Cameron! (Link to PMSE.)

August 8, 2023

Tyler’s manuscript was accepted for publication in LangmuirWe explored the functionalization of amphiphilic block copolymers with metal chelators and demonstrated their selective detection of dissolved metal ions in groundwater. Baishali, Jamie, and Prof. Vicky Karanikola are also co-authors. (Link to the paper.)

August 3, 2023

Welcome Sam to the group! Karen Samantha (Sam) Cruz joins us as a Ph.D. student in chemical engineering. She earned her M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology from the Universidad de Sonora, Mexico. Welcome Sam!

May 2, 2023

Welcome to the group Rohini and Daniel! Rohini Ghosh is currently a freshman in chemical engineering at the U of A. Dr. Daniel Angel Bellido Aguilar joins us as a postdoctoral researcher. He obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Welcome both to the group!

February 21, 2023

Baishali’s manuscript was published in Soft MatterWe combined PDMS microfluidics and dynamic complex droplets to create a lab-on-a-chip sensing platform with multiplexed and continuous capability. Tyler, Izzy, and Aakanksha are also co-authors. (Link to the paper.)

November 22, 2022

Leo and Laura received the Scott Roberts Scholarship! This award funds four chemical engineering undergraduate students to perform independent research ($2,500 award for a semester). Congratulations to Leo and Laura!

November 13, 2022

SRL and ChEE at the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting! The entire SRL group attended this year AIChE national conference in Phoenix with many members from the ChEE department. Suchol presented a talk in the Next-Gen Sensors session; Tyler, Baishali, and Cameron also presented their work in the poster sessions.

November 17, 2022

Tyler’s manuscript was published in Giant! In this work, we characterized a series of amphiphilic block copolymers with enzymatic functional groups and demonstrated the ability to turn “on” and “off” this enzymatic activity by interfacial controls. Baishali Barua is also a co-author. (Link to the paper.)

August 23, 2022

Welcome to the group Matt! Matt Danley joins our research group as a Ph.D. student this Fall 2022. Matt received his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and his master’s degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. He is also a recipient of the Herbold Fellowship from the University of Arizona, which funds the first year of his study.

August 17, 2022

SRL is part of a research team that has received $1.487 million from the Arizona Board of Regents! This fund will support the development of economical methods for the detection and treatment of PFAS. Vicky Karanikola, Mark Brusseau, and Jani Ingram (NAU) are co-investigators. (Link. Story and photo: Emily Dieckman)

July 11, 2022

Welcome to our new group members: Laura Dunham, Leo Partida, and Jamie Holmstrom! Laura, Leo, and Jamie will start their junior year in chemical engineering this Fall. Welcome all to the group!

May 14, 2022

Ramon graduated with an MS degree in chemical engineering! Ramon will pursue his Ph.D. at Colorado School of Mine. Congrats Ramon!

April 20, 2022

Vivian and Cameron are co-first authors on a manuscript published in ACS SensorsThis work leveraged the behaviors of environmental contaminants (PFAS) at the interface of complex droplets to develop rapid sensing platforms. Tyler and Aakanksha are also co-authors. (Link to the paper.)

April 4, 2022

Cameron was selected for the 2022 NSF GRF! The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) provides three years of full financial support during Cameron’s Ph.D. Congrats Cameron! (Link: UA News)

November 18, 2021

Tyler and Baishali’s Mini-Review was published in ACS OmegaOur Mini-Review discusses the detection of septic biomarkers from a perspective of materials engineers and sensor developers, with the emphasis on fast analysis time and a clinically relevant limit of detection. (Link to the paper.)

November 7, 2021

SRL at the 2021 AIChE National Meeting. Baishali, Suchol, and Tyler attended the conference in Boston this year to represent our lab!

October 15, 2021

Baishali and Tyler received travel grants from the Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC)! The travel grants will support their trips to the AIChE Annual Meeting in Boston this November to present their research. 

August 23, 2021

Welcome to the group Ramón! Ramón Castrejón Miranda joins our research team as an Accelerated Master’s student. Welcome Ramón!

June 7, 2021

“Little Droplets With a Big Punch: Using Liquid Sensors to Test Water Safety.” Our ARO funding was highlighted by UA College of Engineering! (Link. Story: Emily Dieckman.)

May 14, 2021

Congratulations to Cameron and Vivian on their graduations today! Cameron received his B.S. in chemical engineering and will continue as a Ph.D. student in the lab after his summer internship at Freeport-McMoRan. Vivian received her M.S. in chemical engineering and was also voted Outstanding TA at the Student Interface by the graduating class of 2021! Congrats to both!

May 14, 2021

Suchol won an award for Outstanding Faculty at the Student Interface! The award is voted by the graduating class of 2021 for the faculty member who the students fell have gone above and beyond in helping them succeed. 

May 7, 2021

Vivian successfully defended her M.S. thesis! Congratulations to Vivian on finishing her accelerated M.S. degree and securing a position with NXP Semiconductors in Austin, Texas! 

May 3, 2021

Cameron received the Richard A. Harvill Fellowship and the Triffet Award! After completing his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering this Spring, Cameron will continue at the University of Arizona as a Ph.D. student. The Harvill Fellowship will provide $12,000 stipend and the graduate tuition, and the Triffet Award provides $4,000 additional support for Cameron’s first year as a graduate student.  

March 21, 2021

Suchol received an Army Research Office Young Investigator Program (ARO YIP) award! This fund will support the development of all-liquid sensors to detect and classify environmental contaminants. (Link. Story: Emily Dieckman.) 

February 17, 2021

Suchol is part of a team that was awarded $100,000 from the University of Arizona Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII)! The fund will be used to add a UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer to the Micro/Nano Fabrication Center (MNFC). Erin RatcliffJudy Su, and Oliver Monti are co-investigators. 

October 23, 2020

Aakanksha and Izzy received the Scott Roberts Scholarship! The Scott Roberts research award funds four undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering to perform independent research ($2,500 award for a semester). Congratulations to Aakanksha and Izzy! 

October 5, 2020

Welcome to the group Cameron! Cameron Malloy is an Accelerated Master’s student in chemical engineering and our newest group member!

August 20, 2020

Baishali and Tyler passed their Chemical Engineering Qualifying Exams! Congrats to both Baishali and Tyler who are starting the second year of their Ph.D.!

May 17, 2020

Suchol received the award for Outstanding Faculty at the Student Interface! This award was selected by the graduating class of 2020 in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. 

May 16, 2020

Vivian completed her B.S. in chemical engineering! Vivian is the first member of our lab to graduate from the University of Arizona. After her internship at NXP Semiconductors this summer, she will continue at the University of Arizona to pursue her M.S. degree. Congrats Vivian!​

May 12, 2020

Aakanksha was awarded the Sulzer Mines Scholarship! The Sulzer Mines Scholarship recognizes outstanding students in materials science, mining, and chemical engineering. Congratulations Aakanksha! 

February 28, 2020

UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering graduate recruitment weekend. Tyler and Baishali presented our group’s poster to perspective graduate students. 

February 20, 2020

Our first (documented) monthly group outing! 

January 21, 2020

Welcome to our new group members: Vivian Trinh, Izzy Beeley, and Aakanksha Gadh! Vivian is pursuing her MS in chemical engineering as an Accelerated Master’s student; Izzy and Aakanksha are currently in their first year at the University of Arizona.

November 10, 2019

UA Chemical Engineers at the 2019 AIChE national meeting. Fifteen of our undergraduates attended the conference this year to represent our department in Orlando. (Photo: Sam Root.)

November 5, 2019

Instruments are arriving! Our once-empty lab is filling up with new equipment. Stay tuned for an update once it is fully renovated. 

September 18, 2019

The University of Arizona College of Engineering welcomes 12 new faculty members this academic year! Five are joining the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department! Excited to be a part of a College full of creative and energetic colleagues. (Link. Story: Emily Dieckman. Photo: Brian Topping.)


August 26, 2019

Welcome to our first two graduate students: Baishali Barua and Tyler Durkin. Baishali received her M.S. in biosystems engineering from the University of Arizona and her B.S. in chemical engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Tyler holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

August 19, 2019

The Savagatrup Research Laboratory (SRL) launches today! We. are the newest research group in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the U of A. Stay tuned for updates on our fresh, state-of-the-art instruments arriving in the next couple of months.