We are collecting stratigraphic, structural, and petrological data from the field, which are being analysed for geochronology, low-temperature thermochronology, and geochemistry, among other methods. We have completed three field seasons in the central and south-central Andes and the data provide insight into evolving crustal thickness, the structure and kinematic history of the thrust belt, and temporal and spatial evolution of the arc and foreland basin system.

Geodynamic modeling, coupled with the field-laboratory data, is being performed to unravel the tectonic mechanisms of crustal thickening and lithospheric thinning, from the deep mantle to the surface processes, and how they interact to form the present landscape of the Andes.

The east face of Aconcagua, showing the stratified nature of the Miocene dacitic lavas and pyroclastic flow deposits that make up the mountain and its surrounding sedimentary apron. The large glacier on the NE face is the Polish Glacier. (Peter DeCelles)

Overview of the Central Andes

Planned Tectonic Sampling Sites

The view out our tent’s entrance at sunrise on the morning after our three-day storm-bound adventure on Mt. Mercedario, 2015. (Pete DeCelles)Tectonics Sampling map. Andean topography and locations of planned fieldwork/sampling/deployments and existing efforts. Note that focus areas for the geological efforts (ca. 22-24°S and 34-36°S) are collocated with seismological profiles (see Seismic Deployment).

Department of GeosciencesUniversity of Arizona1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721
Contact slbeck@arizona.edu, veledamuller@arizona.edu, and cadenhowlett@arizona.edu for more information.