January 2025:
New publication from the Tectonics group at the University of Arizona, led by PhD student Caden J Howlett. Check it out here.
Howlett, C. J., Ronemus, C. B., Carrapa, B., & DeCelles, P. G. (2025). Miocene construction of the High Andes recorded by exhumation of the Frontal Cordillera, La Ramada massif of western Argentina (32°S). Tectonics, 44, e2024TC008433.
December 2024:
New publication from the Seismology group at the University of Arizona, led by PhD student Sankha Subhra Mahanti. Check it out here.
Mahanti, S. S., Kiser, E., Beck, S., & Hughes, A. (2024). Seismicity and present‐day crustal deformation in the southern Puna Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB028918.
Seismic deployment data acquisition complete!
The seismic deployment field campaign in the Andes in April 2024 is finally complete and successful after the instruments being back to the U.S.A. The Geophysics team is completely done with data acquisition for the project!
The Argentinian-American team, led by the PhD candidate Jim Bradford, took out the broadband sensors from the southern array in Malargue and La Pampa (~35 °S, 69°W). They have recorded data for the past two years, with regular maintenance checks by the researchers of the University of Arizona, staff, and students of the National University of San Juan and INPRES.
Jim left Argentina shortly after returning from the field, at which point Susan linked up with the NAU colleagues, and worked on funneling the equipment through the export process.
September 2024:
New publication from the Tectonic Petrology group at the University of Arizona, led by former PhD student Dr. Emilie Bowman. Check it out here.
Bowman, E. E., Mallik, A., & Ducea, M. N. (2024). Partial melting of arclogite and petrogenesis of alkaline-silicate complexes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 645, 118952.
July 2024:
New publication from the Tectonics group at the University of Arizona, led by postdoc Veleda Muller. Check it out here.
Muller, V. A. P., Sue, C., Valla, P. G., Sternai, P., Simon‐Labric, T., Gautheron, C., et al. (2024). Geodynamic and climatic forcing on late‐Cenozoic exhumation of the Southern Patagonian Andes (Fitz Roy and Torres del Paine massifs). Tectonics,
43, e2023TC007914.
April 2024:
New publication from the Tectonics group at the University of Arizona, led by former PhD student Felipe Ferroni. Check it out here.
Felipe R. Ferroni, Peter G. DeCelles, Jaime Oller Veramendi; Neogene to modern foreland basin development in the Sub-Andean zone of southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, 21−23°S. GSA Bulletin 2024; doi: 10.1130/B37206.1
to Dr. Emilie Bowman for a fantastic defense of her PhD on April 11, 2024. Keep an eye out for her upcoming articles on crustal thickness in the Andes and broader questions related to the evolution of Cordilleran magmatic arcs.
March 2024:
New publication from the Tectonics group at the University of Arizona, led by graduate student Chance Ronemus. Check it out here.
Ronemus, C.B., Howlett, C.J., DeCelles, P.G., Carrapa, B., George, S.W.M., 2024. The Manantiales Basin, Southern Central Andes (∼32°S), Preserves a Record of Late Eocene–Miocene Episodic Growth of an East‐Vergent Orogenic Wedge. Tectonics 43, e2023TC008100.
December 2023:
UArizona PhD students Jim Bradford and Sankha Subhra Mahanti, and Prof. Susan Beck presented new TANGO results at the Annual AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA! Below are hyperlinks to the abstracts:
The Andes, From Slab to Surface Through Large-N, Radial-Receiver Function Analysis, at 24⁰S
Sankha Subhra Mahanti presenting his poster in the AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA, in December 2023
September-October 2023:
UArizona PhD students Chance Ronemus and Caden Howlett presented back-to-back talks at the Annual GSA Connects meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
Caden Howlett presented new thermochronology data at the 18th International Conference on Thermochronology in Riva del Garda, Italy.
Ronemus, C.B., Howlett, C.J., DeCelles, P.G., Carrapa, B., Miocene wedge-top sedimentation adjacent to out-of-sequence thrust faults in the Manantiales Basin, southern central Andes (~32°S), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 55, No. 6, October 2023. doi:10.1130/abs/2023AM-389672.
Howlett, C.J., Ronemus, C.B., Carrapa, B., DeCelles, P.G., Age-elevation relationships from Cerro Mercedario (6720m) record exhumation of the La Ramada massif, high Andes of western Argentina, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 55, No. 6, October 2023. doi:10.1130/abs/2023AM-394540.
Howlett, C.J., Ronemus, C.B., Carrapa, B., DeCelles, P.G., Age-elevation relationships from Cerro Mercedario (6720m) record exhumation of the La Ramada massif, high Andes of western Argentina, 18th International Conference on Thermochronology. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2023.
UArizona PhD student Emilie Bowman was co-convener of session T162. The Andes from Top to Bottom at GSA Connects in Pittsburgh, PA. PhD students Chance Ronemus and Caden Howlett co-convened session T160: Convergent Margin Systems. The TANGO collaborator Andrés Echaurren from CONICET in Mendoza gave an invited talk in their session.
left: Chance Ronemus presenting new findings from the Manantiales Basin in the Andes session co-convened by Emilie Bowman at GSA Connects.
May 2023:
New publication from the Tectonics group at the University of Arizona co-authored by Peter DeCelles and Barbara Carrapa. Check it out here.
TANGO In the News
February 16, 2023
“College of Science PhD candidate shares his love for geosciences and astronomy one social media post at a time”
By Scott Coleman, University of Arizona College of Science
July 29, 2022
“Investigadores/as del DGF y AMTC inician instalación de equipos para proyecto NSF TANGO”
Departamento de Geofísica, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y MatemáticasUniversidad de Chile, Noticias
July 1, 2022
“TANGO: Un importante proyecto multidisciplinar pronto a instalarse”
By Rocio Pérez Battías, FCEFN Universidad Nacional de San Juan News
May 26, 2021
“UArizona Geologists to ‘X-ray’ the Andes”
By Daniel Stolte, University of Arizona News
November 24, 2020
“Geosciences PIs Funded by NSF for Collaborative Research: TransAndean Great Orogeny”
University of Arizona Department of Geosciences
Field Updates
May 2024
March 2023
May 24, 2022
Here are some pictures of the seismic deployment going in on the Argentina side of the TANGO transect. Data is being collected! Photos from Jim Bradford and Sankha Subhra Mahanti.
March 15, 2022
January 31, 2022
UArizona Geosciences PhD students, Caden Howlett and Chance Ronemus, summitted Cerro Mercedario, the eighth-highest mountain of the Andes with an elevation of 6,720 m (22,050 ft) to collect samples for geochemical analysis, which will inform on the timing of erosion & uplift of the Andes.
Jan. 17, 2022
U of A Geos PhD students, Jenna Biegel and Emilie Bowman (pictured), hike to Confluencia on Cerro Aconcagua.
Jan. 5, 2022
The tectonics and petrologic groups meet up at Volcan Maipo (pictured below).
Caden Howlett, Barbara Carrapa, and Peter DeCelles investigating pebble composition along the shoreline of Laguna Diamante. Jenna and Emilie (foreground); Caden and Chance (background) loving life.
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721
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