This series consists of photographs, negatives, papers, and an ad printing block, documenting the career of Frank J. Sidney. The photographs depict a circus tour in India as The Great Sidneys, a performance troupe tour in Australia in 1908, troupe portraits in Johannesburg in 1913, and some acrobatic acts. Some of the photographs are annotated. From 1922 to 1925 Frank J. Sidney & Co. appeared in B.F. Keith’s and other theatres in Brighton Beach, Jersey City, and Philadelphia. His act at that time was called “A Morning in a Sportsman’s Garden”, and featured “Zillah the Singing Dog.”
The papers are mostly theater programs; there is also a copy of Sidney’s handwritten 1965 will. There are postcards sent in 1960 and a 1963 portrait of Sidney. The ad printing plate is mounted on wood with a partial page with printed text adhered, advertising a Labor Day event featuring “Frank Sidney and Abe … Clown Cop”. The bulk of this collection was originally received as part of the Performers materials.
box folder
57 1 Photographs, ca. 1900-1928
57 2 Photographs, ca. 1900-1928
57 3 Photographs and postcards, , 1960 1963
57 4 Negatives, ca. 1900 Note: extremely fragile
57 5 Papers, , 1922-1925 1965
58 Ad block printing plate