Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) is a transformative approach to higher education that engages undergraduate and graduate students in ambitious, long-term, large-scale, multidisciplinary project teams.

Prof. Winslow Burleson collaborated with Prof. Ed Coyle of Georgia Tech, Founder of the VIP Consortium, and received support from the Helmsley Charitable Trust to establish VIP at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. Burleson then served as Founding Executive Director for VIP at UArizona, receiving Provost Innovation Fund support and serving as faculty lead for multiple VIP teams, including: 

AI for Medical Interviewing



Transformative AI for Residential and Transportation Safety

In 2019 the VIP Consortium Received the ABET Innovation Award of the Year. Press Release | Video

Related Links: NYU VIP | UA VIP | VIP Consortium | ABET Innovation Award