Exciting Events!
The vision of Construction Engineering Management (CEM) at the University of Arizona is to connect industry with students and students with industry.

I was invited to teach the first construction course for the University of Arizona in 2012. In fall 2015 I joined the faculty of Civil & Architectural Engineering full-time with the mission of developing and leading a new Construction Engineering Management (CEM) emphasis within the Department. After working as a professional civil engineer for many years, I am excited to bring my experience to campus to educate students and establish strong ties with industry and alumni. In the CEM emphasis, students are inspired to pursue careers in engineering and construction. The CEM emphasis maintains strong ties with industry to keep the program practical and relevant and to provide companies with ready-access to students with practical training in construction.
To sustain the CEM emphasis into the future, the College of Engineering is seeking to establish a $5 million endowment.