- Hassan, M. T. Lightwave Electronics: Attosecond Optical Switching. ACS Photonics, (2024).11, 334-338, (2024).
- Hui, D., Alqattan, H., Sennary, M., Golubev, N. V. & Mohammed Th. Hassan, “Attosecond Electron Microscopy”. arXiv:2305.03014 (2023). “in Review”.

- Hui, D., Alqattan, H., Zhang, S., Pervak, V., Chowdhury, E. and Mohammed Th. Hassan, 2023. “Ultrafast optical switching and data encoding on synthesized light fields”. Science Advances, 9(8), p.eadf1015. “featured on the cover”
- News and Views
- D. Hui, H. Alqatan, Shunsuke Yamada, V. Pervak, Kazuhiro Yabana, Mohammed Th. Hassan, “Attosecond electron motion control in dielectric”, Nature Photonics, 16, 33-37, 2021.
- News and Views
- Probing attosecond phenomena in solids (Nature Photonics).
- H. Alqattan, D. Hui, M. Y. S. Sennary and Mohammed Th. Hassan “Attosecond electronic delay response in dielectric materials” Faraday Discuss., 2022,237, 317-326.
- M. Applepy et. al. “Optical excitation processes: general discussion”, Faraday Discuss., 2022,237, 327-352.
- Husain, H. Dandan, P. Volodymyr, and Mohammed Th. Hassan, “Attosecond light field synthesis”, APL Photonics, 7, 041301, 2022.
News and Views
- Light in the fast lane (Nature Photonics).
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, Attomicroscopy: from femtosecond to attosecond electron microscopy, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 51, 032005, (2018).
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, Attomicroscopy: attosecond electron microscopy, Proc. SPIE 10753, Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy VI, 107530R (3 September 2018).
- Mohammed Th. Hassan , J. S. Baskin, B. Laio, and A. H. Zewail, High-temporal-resolution electron microscopy for imaging ultrafast electron dynamics, Nature Photonics 11, 425–430 (2017).*“Corresponding and leading author contribution”.
News and Views
- Attosecond photonics: Imaging ultrafast electron dynamics (Nature Photonics).
- X. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, Mohammed Th. Hassan, A. H. Zewail, Imaging rotational dynamics of nanoparticles in liquid by 4D electron microscopy, Science, 2017. 355(6324): p. 494-498.
- News and Views
- Laser-driven nanoparticle motion in liquids (Science)
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, T.T. Luu, A. Moulet, O. Razskazovskaya,P. Zhokhov, M. Garg, N. Karpowicz, A. M. Zheltikov,V. Pervak, F. Krausz and E. Goulielmakis, Optical attosecond pulses and tracing the nonlinear response of bound electrons, Nature 530, 66-70 (2016).
News and Views
- Optical physics: Ultrashort light pulses shake atoms (Nature)
- Shortest ever pulse of visible light spots photons fleeing atoms (New Scientist)
- Sluggish electrons caught in action (ScienceDaily)
- Superfast light pulses able to measure response time of electrons to light (Phys.org)
- Fastest Light Pulses Show Electrons Are Sluggish (IEEE spectrum)
- Sluggish electrons caught in action (ChemEurop).
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, H. Liu, J. S. Baskin, and A. H. Zewail, Photon gating in four-dimensional ultrafast electron microscopy, PNAS , 112, 12944-12949, (2015).
- T. T. Luu, M. Garg, S. Y. Kruchinin, A. Moulet, Mohammed Th. Hassan, and E. Goulielmakis, Extreme ultraviolet high-harmonic spectroscopy of solids, Nature 521, 498 (2015).
- Wirth, Mohammed Th. Hassan, I. Grguraš, J. Gagnon, A. Moulet, T.T. Luu, S. Pabst, R. Santra, Z. Alahmed, A.M. Azzeer, V.S. Yakovlev, V. Pervak, F. Krausz and E. Goulielmakis, Synthesized Light Transients, Science 334, 195, (2011).
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, A. Wirth, I. Grguraš, A. Moulet, T.T. Luu, J. Gagnon, V. Pervak and E. Goulielmakis, “Invited Article”: Attosecond Photonics: Synthesis and Control of Light Transients, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83 (2012) .
- O. Razskazovskaya, Mohammed Th. Hassan, T.T. Luu, E. Goulielmakis1 and V. Pervak, Efficient broadband highly dispersive HfO2/SiO2 multilayer mirror for pulse compression in near UV, Optics Express, 24(12):13628-13633.
Scholarly Book
- Mohammed Th. Hassan, 2023, “Electron imaging in action: attosecond electron diffraction and microscopy”, K. Amini, A. Rouzée and M. J. Vrakking, “State-of-the-art X-ray and electron diffraction imaging”, Chapter XIV, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2023.
Publications in public media and TV interviews:
- The digital future may rely on ultrafast optical electronics and computers, THE CONVERSATION, 2023.
- Optical computing creates potential for faster technology, TV interview, Arizona Horizon show hosted by Ted Simmons, Arizona PBS TV.