The SONG BIO-ESM Lab specializes in Biospheric-Earth System Modeling. We aim to advance our understanding and predictive power of the role of vegetation, microbial communities, and humans -the biotic components of the Earth system – in terrestrial-atmospheric interactions. To achieve this goal, we develop and employ a variety of state-of-the-art tools to address pressing issues of the world. In particular, we
- Develop multi-scale datasets, scaling solutions, and process-based models across disciplinary boundaries to improve Earth System Models (ESMs).
- Apply improved ESMs to simulate and forecast biospheric system behaviors in response to climate forcings and
- Seek both scientific insights and practical strategies of fundamental relevance to societal well-being, including agriculture production, bioenergy feedstock, carbon sequestration, and water quantity and quality.
Contact Information
Dr. Yang Song
Email: chopinsong@arizona.edu
Office Phone: 520-626-7843
Office: JW Harshbarger Bldg, Room 309
Address: 1133 E. James E. Rogers Way,
Tucson, AZ, 85721-0011