Njardarson Group Disease and Structure Focused Pharmaceutical Posters (2013-Present): Since 2010, the Njardarson group worked on creating a new class of posters that build upon the design philosophy and success of our Top200 drug posters but that aim to capture a larger number of pharmaceuticals and to present thematically according to their medical use. Our ambitious goal was to draw the structures of “ALL” the small molecule drugs approved by the US FDA since the beginning and to present these pharmaceuticals in new educational poster formats. Each poster would contain the structures of all the small molecules approved to treat conditions in that particular disease category. We decided that for the first generation of these new posters we would arrange the structures in each disease category in a chronological order based on when they were first approved. Prototypes of three of these posters were first presented at the 33rd National ACS Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Tucson, Arizona May 19-23rd 2012.   This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation.

Please cite J. Chem. Ed. 201390, 1403 when referencing the disease focused posters

Now also available the first Fluorinated Pharmaceutical poster and a Sulfur Containing Pharmaceutical poster followed by Chlorine Containing Pharmaceutical poster. More coming soon :-).

Please cite J. Med. Chem. 201457, 2832 when referencing the structure posters or our Sulfur vs. Fluorine analysis

Anti-Infective Drug Poster (2013)

Cardiovascular System Drug Poster (2013)

Nervous System Drug Poster (2013)

Sensory Organ Drug Poster (2013)

Dermatological Drug Poster (2013)

Oncological Drug Poster (2013)

Respiratory System Drug Poster (2013)

Muskulo-Skeletal Drug Poster (2013)

Genito-Urinary and Sex Hormone Drug Poster (2013)

Endocrine System Drug Poster (2013)

Blood and Blood Forming Organs Drug Poster (2013)

Alimentary Tract and Metabolism Drug Poster (2013)

Fluorinated Pharmaceutical Poster (2014)

Sulfur Containing Pharmaceutical Poster (2014)

Chlorine Containing Pharmaceutical Poster (2015)