…..come back soon for latest group News:
March 2025: Congratulations to John Federice and Hayden Leatherwoord on not only passing their qualifying exams with flying colors but also delivering outstanding seminars at the OrgInorg-Seminar series.
September 2024: Congratulations to Christopher Marshall for being selected as one of the winners of the Victor P. Thalacker Graduate Fellowship along with Lindsay Holmen from the Pyun group.
September 2024: Jon is the recipient of the 2024 College of Science Distinguished Student Mentoring Award
August 2024: Congratulations to Aleksey Lanin and Christopher Marshall as being selected as finalists for a Victor P. Thalacker Graduate Fellowship. They will be presenting their work September 9th and 16th.
August 2024: Congratulations to Christopher Marshall for being selected as this years winner of the David F. O’Brien Graduate Fellowship.
August 2024: Big congrats to Christopher Marshall on his 2nd first author paper this summer, this time in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Amazing collaboration with the Pyun lab at UArizona focused on designing custom monomers and a deep mechanistic-structural dive into material architecture composition.
August 2024: Congrats to Christopher Marshall and Hayden Leatherwood on being selected as finalists for the David F. O’Brien and Howard P. Klein Early Career Awards respectively. Christopher and Hayden will present their research August 15th at the 11th Annual CBC Research Symposium.
July 2024: July 18th 2024. Pretty amazing that our J. Med. Chem. 2014 Nitrogen heterocycle paper is still on the list of most read papers in JMC (12 month list) AND incredibly our just published 2024 J. Med. Chem. follow up Perspective on Nitrogen heterocycles is on the list of most read papers in JMC (1 month list).
July 2024: Our follow up US FDA Nitrogen Heterocycle analysis has now been published in J. Med. Chem. as a Perspective. Herculean team effort by my students Christopher Marshall, John Federice and Chloe Bell and our awesome collaborator Dr. Phil Cox (AbbVie). Hope everyone enjoys.
March 2024: Congrats to Christopher Marshall and Ashley Wellik on being selected for a 2024 Galileo Circle Scholarship.
March 2024: Congratulations to Ashley Wellik on being selected as a 2024 CBC Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence Awardee sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry (U.K.).
January 2024: Dithiophosphoric acids (DTPAs) as powerful new entry into forming designer sulfur rich polymers. Congrats Jianhua on taking this exciting new project from the idea stage to now a brilliant Angew. Chem Int. Ed. publication and the beginning of a new program.
December 2023: Congrats Jinahua and Haziq on not only completing an amazing total synthesis of fully deuterated DIB (99.2%+ all all positions), which is now published in J. Am. Chem. Soc., but also degrading both the resulting proto and deutero inverse vulcanized polymers and determine their exact microstructure composition. Amazing NSF DMREF supported collaboration with Professors Pyun, Bredas and Norwood.
December 2023: Congrats Jinahua Bao, Aleksey, Steven, Brendon and Nerea on fantastic new stereoselective synthesis of dienamides and trienamides, a fantastic new outgrowth reaction from our amino-Cope reaction platform, now published in J. Org. Chem.
December 2023: NEW GROUP WEBSITE. Our current website (njardarson.lab.arizona.edu) will be shut down December 2023. Make sure to use this website (sites.arizona.edu/njardarson-lab) for learning more about our group, accessing PDF files of our TOP 200 Drug Posters, Disease and Structures Posters and learning about updates about our App/Website Chemistry By Design.
October 2023: Jon is selected by the department as the Inaugural Lee and Vera Jones Chair in Chemistry.
October 2023: Congrats Jianhua Bao on defending his thesis and becoming the 16th doctoral student graduating from our group. Amazing accomplishments during your graduate career and off to incredible adventures at UPenn working on the interface of organic chemistry and machine learning.
September 2023: Jon published a J. Chem. Ed paper detailing his experiences and recommendation for teaching blind and visually impaired students introductory organic chemistry.
August 2023: Congrats Nick on being selected as the 2023 Carl S. Marvel awardee, the highest honor in our department, and congrats to Christopher on receiving the Howard Klein early career award. Keep up the great work.
June 2023: The 2022 Njardarson Group Top 200 Pharmaceutical Posters are now available for everyone to download. Thank you Ryan for amazing leadership and innovation on this front.
May 2023: Congrats Jianhua on simply amazing effort in making the JACS 2023 DIB mechanistic paper with the Pyun group a reality.
March 2023: Congratulations Ryan on being the departmental student awardee for a College of Science Teaching Award. Fantastic.
March 2023: Big congratulations to our undergraduate students Asia Richardson and Michael Foster on receiving a UArizona UBRP research fellowships to support their work in our lab this summer. Keep up the good work.
January 2023: Great to see Haziq’s new anionic amino-Cope cascade featured in the first 2023 issue of OPRD.
January 2023: Congrats Jeffrey and Nick on a fantastic Organic Letters paper for making our amino-Cope imine starting materials in a single step form aldehydes. This is an important synthesis streamlining contribution.
December 2022: The group is delighted to welcome Aleksey Lanin as the latest graduate student to join the group.
December 2022: Brilliant to see the seminal new contribution on sulfur rich polymers using cheap sulfur monochloride feedstock published in JACS. Congrats Jianhua Bao on being the Njardarson group lead on this fantastic Pyun, Norwood group collaboration. First of many papers from this excellent collaborative team.
October 2022: I am delighted to report that our total synthesis analysis papers has been accepted in Tetrahedron as part of a special issue in honor of Professor John L. Wood and his 20 year service to the Tetrahedron journals.
October 2022: Congrats Haziq on a great thesis seminar and fantastic thesis. Best of luck in the next chapter in your organic chemistry journey with Cascade Chemistry in beautiful Eugene, Oregon.
October 2022: Congrats to Haziq on having his amazing amino-Cope fluoro cascade paper published in Organic Letters. Great work, and an another exciting chapter in our ongoing amino-Cope research program.
August 2022: Big congrats to Jeffrey on being selected for the 2022 Victor P. Thalacker Graduate Fellowship.
August 2022: Congrats Chris on being selected as a finalist and the only 1st year for the Howard P. Klein Early Career in Excellence Award. Great presentation at the symposium.
June 2022: Congrats and big thanks to Haziq, Ryan and Chris for creating and completing the 2021 Top 200 Small molecule pharmaceutical poster.
May 2022: Our website and application (App) Chemistry By Design has reached 3000 total/drug syntheses, making it the largest free database of syntheses available. Looking forward to the next chapter.
May 2022: I am delighted to report that we just completed the Top 200 poster for 2021 and posted it online on our website, thanks to brilliant effort by my graduate student Haziq. This is the 16th edition of our Top 200 poster, which we first created in 2006. It is quite something to compare the structure landscape of drugs in 2006 to that in 2022, most notably of course the incredible growth of biologics and other creative products.
May 2022: Congratulations Nick on receiving the 2022 Dr. Wayne Cody Scholarship in Medicinal Biological Chemistry. Keep up the good work.
May 2022: Our latest Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Perspective, with focus on phenols and phenol ethers in drugs, is now published. Congrats to Kevin and our awesome AbbVie collaborator Dr. Phil Cox.
April 2022: Congrats to our awesome group alumni Matthew Brichacek on being promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at the University of Maine.
March 2022: Big congratulations to Edon Vitaku on his new job at DuPont outside of Boston. Enjoy this exciting next chapter in your scientific journey.
March 2022: Congrats Nick, Jeffrey and Jianhua for being selected as a 2022 Galileo Circle Scholars.
December 2021: Congrats to Mike for finishing nothing short of a phenomenal thesis and best wishes on your move to Colorado next month as Mike joins the brilliant creative lab of Professor Jeff Bandar at Colorado State.
December 2021: Big congratulations to Pradipta on being offered a job at Merck, which she accepted and is excited to start next month. Brilliant doctoral study in our lab followed by outstanding post-doctoral accomplishments in the laboratory of Professor Kalow at Northwestern University.
December 2021: Welcome new group members Christopher Marshall and Steven J. Nick.
August 2021: Congrats to Nick on receiving the 2021 CBC Victor P. Thalacker Graduate Fellowship Award.
August 2021: Congratulations to Nick on being selected as one of 3 finalists for the 2021 David F. O’Brien Fellowship. Good luck with your seminar at the 8th Annual CBC Research Award Symposium.
July 2021: Congrats Mike on another awesome solo author Organic Letters paper focusing on new ways to make rings containing SCF3-groups. No less than 4 new reactions (two SCF3-aziridine routes, SCF3-cyclopropane and SCF3-oxazole via ring expansion).
July 2021: Congratulations Kevin, Jeffrey, Isaac, Michael and Pradipta. A new chapter in our awesome amino-Cope rearrangement saga has just been published in J. Org. Chem. In this paper, we demonstrated how our powerful anionic amino-Cope reaction platform can be utilized to rapidly assemble complex aromatic architectures. Great team effort.
July 2021: Cool new oxidative aniline allene cyclization to form indoles published in J. Org. Chem. First publication for Nick and Ryan with many more to come.
June 2021: Today (June 25th 2021) is the 10-year anniversary of Chemistry By Design (CByD), an application (App) and website we created and launched in 2011 to offer new learning opportunities to enjoy organic chemistry and synthesis in particular. This was the first app released from The University of Arizona (UofA) thanks to great programming by Gary Carstensen (OIA, UofA) and wonderful collaboration with my post-doctoral fellow at the time Dr. Cristian Draghici. Content has grown from initial collection of 200 syntheses to 2802 syntheses as of today, with new content added weekly.
June 2021: I am delighted to report that we just completed the Top 200 poster for 2020 and posted it online on our website, thanks to brilliant effort by my graduate student Haziq. This is our 15th anniversary in creating these posters. It is simply amazing to compare the drugs on our first 2006 Top 200 poster to that of 2020 top 200 poster, a testament to the hardworking and creative individuals that work in the pharmaceutical industry.
April 2021: Big congratulations to Dr. Kevin Scott on completing all final thesis edits and submitting it, the last step in completing his University of Arizona doctorate. Awesome, next onto great things at Rockefeller in the laboratory of Katya Vinogradova.
April 2021: Fantastic news. I am delighted to report that the second chapter in the groups asymmetric anion-accelerated amino-Cope rearrangement saga, which we started in 2017, has been published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congrats Pradipta, Mike, Haziq and Jianhua on phenomenal work and thank you to Professor Kenneth Houk (UCLA) and his post-doc Dr. Jason Fell on a wonderful collaborative effort.
March 2021: Congratulations to Eddie and David on reaching 2000+ citations for their 2014 JMC paper describing the first comprehensive analysis of nitrogen heterocycles among US FDA approved pharmaceuticals (J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 10257).
November 2020: Following upon the awesome first of its kind analysis of US FDA approved veterinary drugs, Kevin and Haziq have created a poster featuring all of them. You can download this great new poster by going too to our Top-Selling Pharmaceuticals web page.
October 2020: Congrats Kevin and Haziq on first ever Veterinary Drug Analysis. After 2 years of work, creation of a veterinary drug database and extensive analyses we are pleased to announce the publication of our massive Veterinary Drug Analysis as a Perspective in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Super proud.
September 2020: Our Application (App) and website Chemistry By Design reached the amazing milestone of containing 2500+ natural product total syntheses and pharmaceutical syntheses for everyone to enjoy browsing and learning from. Thank you all who have contributed.
August 2020: Great job Mike on your latest Organic Letters paper detailing your adventures with sulfone nucleophiles to access vinyl- oxiranes and aziridines.
August 2020: Chemistry By Design reaches 2500+ natural product and pharmaceutical syntheses. Our Application (App) and website Chemistry By Design today reaches the amazing milestone of containing 2500+ natural product total syntheses and pharmaceutical syntheses for everyone to enjoy browsing and learning from. Thank you all who have contributed.
July 2020: Congrats Jeffrey on being selected as a 2020 finalist for the 1st Year Early Career Excellence in Research Award Competition.
June 2020: We are delighted to announce our latest poster product, which displays orally available small molecule drugs that violate Lipinski’s rule of 5. This has been an amazing collaboration between our group, led by Hazig, and Dr. Eric Voight and Dr. David Degoy from Abbvie, who approached us with this important dataset. Thanks, David and David, what a fun collaboration. Awesome effort Haziq.
May 2020: Thanks to great effort by Haziq, we are pleased to announce the availability on our website of our Top 200 Pharmaceutical poster for 2019.
March 2020: Congrats Haziq for being selected as a 2020 Galileo Circle Scholar. Fantastic.
February 2020: Congratulations to Kevin on writing and getting a grant approved from the University of Arizona Green Fund to support the purchase of Waterless Findenser condensers that will allow the group to drastically cut water usage.
February 2020: Congrats to Rachel, Nick and Ryan on passing their qualifying exams. Great job.
January 2020: Congrats to David on landing an awesome industrial job at Abzena in Bristol, PA as Senior Scientist. Best of luck David in the next step of your career.
October 2019: Haziq just completed our first ever SMALL MOLECULE focused top selling drug poster (2018 sales data). The high number of biologics on our last top selling posters inspired us to create this new product. Enjoy.
September 2019: Congrats to Mike on completing, submitting and getting accepted the massive review book chapter on oxiranes and oxirenes for Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry covering 2008-2018. Outstanding effort.
July 2019: Congrats Nick on being selected as a 2019 finalist for the 1st Year Early Career Excellence in Research Award Competition.
June 2019: We just completed and uploaded for everyone to view the 2018 Top 200 Pharmaceutical poster. Fantastic job Haziq.
May 2019: Congratulations Boying on doing a great job with Professor Amos Smith and on landing an exciting job with Janssen. Best of luck in your new career in the pharmaceutical industry.
April 2019: Doctor #12. Congratulations David on completing a fantastic thesis in the group, you should be incredibly proud, and also for rocking it in the McGuire entrepreneurial programs as well.
March 2019: Congrats Bradey on receiving a 2019 UArizona UBRP fellowship. Great work and well deserved,
February 2019: After a phenomenally productive post-doc with Professor Will Dichtel at Northwestern (including a Science paper) Eddie has landed a fantastic job at CycloPure. Congratulations Eddie and best wishes to making transformative water purification discoveries.
February 2019: Congrats to our graduate student alumni Nicholas McGrath on receiving tenure at University of Wisconsin La-Crosse. Fantastic accomplishment Nick.
February 2019: Chemistry by Design has reached 2000 syntheses. Our educational organic synthesis focused application (App) and website Chemistry By Design (CByD) has grown tenfold (10x) in the years since its launch, and now contains 2000 natural product (1750) and drug (250) syntheses. These syntheses represent the creative excellent effort of 601 research groups spanning more than 100 years (1901-2019).
February 2019: Congrats Pradipta and Isaac on amazing Kainic acid total synthesis efforts. Great publication.
November 2018: After a long and exciting journey our Combination Drug Analysis is published as a Perspective in J. Med. Chem. Awesome job Pradipta, Mike, David and Haziq.
October 2018: Congratulations to Pradipta on completing an awesome PhD thesis. The groups 11th Doctor. Good luck in your super exciting post-doc with Professor Julia Kalow at Northwestern University.
July 2018: Congratulations Haziq on being selected as one of this years Early Career in Excellence in Research finalists.
July 2018: Congrats Isaac, Pradipta, Michael and Mark. Our vinylogous aza-Darzens paper was just published in Organic Letters. Great work everyone.
July 2018: Our Oxygen Heterocycle review of US FDA approved structures has immediately become one of the most viewed paper on the J. Med. Chem. website. Congrats all around.
May 2018: Congratulations Kevin on receiving a 2018-2018 NIH BCP training grant fellowship. Keep up the good work.
May 2018: Congratulations to Brandon on landing an awesome job at Incyte.
May 2018: Chemistry by Design has 1900 syntheses of natural products and drugs. Chemistry by Design now contains 1900 syntheses for users to browse. Database represents contributions from 1901-2018 from 584 research groups. The drug synthesis section has been expanded greatly and now contains 233 syntheses. Keep submitting and helping Chemistry by Design grown. Thank you for your contributions.
May 2018: Congratulations to Brandon on having his elegant gibberellin synthesis approach accepted in Organic Letters.
May 2018: Congratulations to Brandon on his awesome comprehensive Maoecrystal V review being accepted for publication in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. It is now available online and has been designated as HOT paper by OBC.
April 2018: Congratulations to our undergraduate student Christopher Marshall on landing a job at Accelerate Diagnostics. Big thanks as well to our alumni Mark Crawford on bringing this opportunity to Chris’s attention.
April 2018: Congratulations to Brandon on an awesome defense this week and a great thesis. Brandon is our group’s 10th student to graduate with a doctoral degree from our group. Keep up the good work in Pennsylvania.
March 2018: Congratulations David on being nominated by The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for a College of Science Scholarship Award.
March 2018: Congratulations to Eddie on being selected as a 2018 ACS PMSE Future Faculty Scholar. Eddie will present a seminar at the Boston ACS meeting this fall along with the other scholars. Great work.
February 2018: Congratulations David on being selected as 2018 Galileo Circle Scholar.
January 2018: Kevin’s massive book chapter on the structures of sulfur drugs has just been published in Topics in Current Chemistry – Sulfur Chemistry. Congrats.
December 2017: Welcome to Jianhua Bao, our newest group member.
December 2017: Chemistry By Design has reached 1800+ syntheses. Chemistry by Design now contains 1802 syntheses for users to browse. Database represents contributions from 1920-2018 from 575 research groups. Keep submitting and helping Chemistry by Design grown. Thank you for your contributions.
October 2017: Great work Haziq, Mike and David in assembling and creating the 2016 Top 200 Prescription Pharmaceutical Poster.
October 2017: Congratulations Mark on your job with Accelerate Diagnostics and thank you for all your excellent contributions to the group.
September 2017: Congrats Brandon on your awesome paper in Organic Letters. The Maoecrystal V effort has been a quite a ride.
September 2017: After a long journey our first Anion-Accelerated Amino-Cope paper is out. Check it out in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Brilliant job Pradipta, Isaac, Kevin, Mark and Jason.
September 2017: Early this summer we published the 2015 Top 200 pharmaceutical poster and today we completed and published the 2016 poster. With the publication of our latest poster we also celebrate the 10th anniversary of this project, which started with the publication of the 2006 Top 200 Poster being published in 2007. Congrats to current and past members of the group for their hard work and dedication.
August 2017: Congrats David on delivering an amazing talk today and winning the 2017 Carl S. Marvel award, the highest honor in our department.
July 2017: Congrats Haziq on being selected as a finalist for this years Early Career in Excellence Research Award.
June 2017: Congrats David on your excellent benzofuran paper in Organic Letters. Great work David and Eddie.
May 2017: Congrats to Kevin on receiving a 2017-2018 NIH BCP fellowship.
August 2016: Congratulations to David on receiving David O’Brien and Thalacker fellowships today. Awesome seminar David.
July 2016: Congrats Eddie on an excellent PhD with seven papers already published and more on the way. Congrats also on an exciting post-doctoral position with Professor Dichtel and Northwestern University.
July 2016: Eddies meta-selective alkylation paper was published in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry today. Great work Eddie.
May 2016: Isaac has completed his excellent PhD and is now heading to Notre Dame to work with Professor Taylor on medicinal Chemistry. Congratulations Isaac.
May 2016: 1517 syntheses now in Chemistry By Design! Chemistry By Design keeps on growing, containing as of today 1517 syntheses of natural product and pharmaceutical structures. Keep on submitting sequences so we can maintin this excellent growth. Thank you to all who have contributed.
May 2016: Congratulations Eddie, David and Elizabeth. Your 2014 Journal of Medicincal Chemistry papers received a “Highly Cited Perspective(s) of 2014” recognition from the editors of JMC. Fantastic.
May 2016: Pradiptas thio- and amino-phosphate review article is now published in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
April 2016: Congratulations Kevin on receiving Honorable Mention from the National Science Foundation for his graduate fellowship application.
January 2016: Congrats to Eddie and David on their fantastic new dearomatization approach to fluorinated indoles, which was just published in Angewandte Chemie.
October 2015: Isaac’s awesome chiral pyrroline paper was just published in Angewandte. Congrats on outstanding science.
August 2015: Congratulations to Brandon for being this year’s Thalacker award recipient. Well deserved.
August 2015: Pradipta’s excellent work on new routes to piperidines was published n Organic Letters this month.
July 2015: Congrats on being selected as finalists for the Early Career in Excellence Research Award (David) and a David O’Brien fellowship finalist (Brandon). We look forward to your talks at the August Student Research Seminar.
April 2015: Congratulations David on receiving an Honorable Mention by the NSF for your accomplishments and proposal associated with your NSF GRFP application. Great job David.
March 2015: Congratulations to our undergraduate student Benton Anderson on being selected to participate in the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) and most recently on being chosen as Galileo Circle Scholar.
February 2015: Congratulations Eddie on being nominated by the department to be its candidate for the College of Science exellence in Scholarship award. Congrats to Candice on being accepted into Pharmacy School and being featured in UofA News (February 25th 2015, “Diversifying the Workforce for Tomorrow’s Jobs”). Well done.
October 2014: Thanks to Eddie, Brandon and Davids hard work, the long awaited 2013 pharmaceutical poster is finally available. We have created a NEW design that shows BOTH the 100 highest selling and 100 most prescribed drug products on a single poster. Furthermore, we have taken some design features from our recent Disease Focused Posters to help make this new posters more appealing and informative. I hope you all enjoy.
October 2014: Eddie’s and David’s new nitrogen heterocyclic analysis, which was published in J. Med. Chem. last month, has been featured in the popular blog In The Pipeline. It is also the 3rd most downloaded paper for the month of October. Brandon’s elemental drug analysis paper is the 10th most downloaded J. Med. Chem. paper for the month of October. Fantastic work and congrats on the response of your work. The nitrogen analysis paper has now reached the top most viewed paper list for the year (same as our sulfur/fluorine analysis paper earlier).
September 2014: Eddie’s and David’s remarkable first of its kind analysis of the nitrogen heterocyclic structure space of US FDA approved pharmaceuticals just appeared online today in J. Med. Chem. Great job.
September 2014: Brandon’s and Candice’s wonderful elemental analysis of drug architectures, which is a follow up to the groups sulfur/fluorine analysis paper was just published in J. Med. Chem. today. Great job.
August 2014: Congrats to Eddie, Brandon and David on excellent talks and Isaac and Pradipta on strong posters at the CBC inaugural research symposium. Special congrats to Brandon on being selected as the best 2nd year student speaker.
May 2014: Congratulations Eddie on being one of this years Sanofi/Giga Summer Research Assistanship Awardee. Keep up the great work.
March 2014: Matt, who is currently a post-doc with Professor Hergenrother (UIUC), has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at The University of Maine. Congratulations Matt, fantastic. Best of luck in your new position.
February 2014: Congratulations Dr. Boying Guo on being the first Jon’s group UofA student to complete their PhD. Best of luck in your post-doc with Professor Amos Smith, III.
February 2014: Congratulations Eddie for having been nominated by our department as one of this years Galileo Circle Scholarship nominee.
December 2013: Congrats Qingliang on a cool trifluoroethyl ether “protecting group paper.
November 2013: Congrats Dr. Qingliang on your job. Congrats on landing an excellent medicinal chemistry position back home in the PRC. Well deserved. Your recent vinigrol full paper has been designated as an HOT ARTICLE by the Org. Biomol. Chem., congrats as well.
October 2013: Our FIRST pharmaceutical structural ANALYSIS study is now online. We have analyzed in great detail the SULFUR and FLUORINE content of the 2000 small molecules approved by the FDA (displayed in our new Disease Focused Plosters). This work was recently accepted and published J. Med. Chem. 2014, ASAP. Our paper was the 2nd most viewed paper in the month of October and 3rd most viewed in November and December. Amazing congrats to Elizabeth and Eddie.
October 2013: We now have more than 1000 total syntheses available for browsing in Chemistry By Design. Thank you to all who have contributed and helped making the site a success and to the 450,000+ visitors in last two years. Keep on sending us syntheses to upload. Make Chemistry By Design part of your graduate/undergraduate classes and incorporate it as a group meeting item.
October 2013: Congrats Boying on a super cool Z-selective vinyl oxetane ring opening publication in Chem. Commun.
September 2013: Congrats Elizabeth on an excellent ring expansion review in J. Org. Chem.
September 2013: Congrats Elizabeth and Eddie on a J. Chem. Ed. publication detailing our disease focused pharmaceutical posters. Excellent writing Elizabeth.
August 2013: This week Qingliang Yang successfully defended his thesis. Congrats to Dr. Qingliang Yang on being the 6th Njardarson group member to earn his doctorate.
July 2013: Vinigrol Completed :-). Congratulations Qingliang, Cristian and Fang. Congratulations Qingliang on completing your thesis project: The total synthesis of vinigrol. A communication detailing these excellent efforts has now been published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Our vinigrol paper was the 6th most viewed ACIEE paper in July 2013. Featured in SynForm. Vinigrol is the most complex natural product ever synthesized at The Unviersity of Arizona or Cornell University (groups first home base).
May 2013: Dan has received and accepted and offer from Abbvie. Wonderful, well deserved Dan.
May 2013: ALL 12 Njardarson Group Disease Focused Posters are now available. We just uploaded the remaning seven Disease Focused Posters. Everyone can now access the following twelve disease focused drug posters, which we will update each year: 1) Anti-Infective, 2) Cardiovascular, 3) Nervous System, 4) Sensory Organ, 5) Dermatological Drugs, 6) Oncological , 7) Respiratory System, 8) Muskulo-Skeletal, 9) Endocrine System, 10) Blood and Blood Forming Organ, 11) Genito-Urinary and Sex Hormone and 12) Alimentary Tract and Metabolism drug posters.
April 2013: Congratulations to Edon (Eddie) Vitaku for being selected as one of this years David O’Briens Fellowship finalists. Eddie will present his work to the department on April 26th.
March 2013: Nick, who is currently a post-doc with Professor Ron Raines (UW-Madison), has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at The University of Wisconsin La-Crosse. Congratulations Nick, fantastic. Best of luck in your new position.
February 2013: Updated version of Chemistry By Design now available. We have responded to users comments and are pleased to announce that an updated FREE version of Chemistry By Design is now available for download for Apple and Android systems from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. We have added a more user friendly scroll function for browsing and selecting sequences instead of the moveable bar we had in version 1.0. Again, thanks for all your comments and support of Chemistry By Design (320,000+ visits as of today).
January 2013: Daniel J. Mack has graduated and is now heading to Evanston to join the group of Regan Thomson at Northwestern University. Great job Dan and good luck on your Chicago synthesis adentures
December 2012: More than 800 total syntheses now available at Chemistry By Design. Since its July 2010 launch, Chemistry By Design (CByD) has been visited 300,000+ times and now contains more than 800+ total syntheses. Thanks to all of you who have supported CByD. Keep on sending us syntheses to upload.
November 2012: We finally completed creating and uploading the Top 200 drug posters. The posters showcase the top 200 selling and prescribed drugs sold in the US in 2011 (Note: sales figures only shown for the top 20). Simply click on the “Top-selling Pharmaceuticals Poster” link on our website where you will find PDF files you can download and Print. Enjoy :-).
June 2012: 1 Year Anniversary – Happy birthday Chemistry By Design. Today is the one year anniversary of Chemistry By Design during which time it has received 170,000 visits and the app versions been downloaded tens and thousands of times. As of today, CByD features 460+ total syntheses that visitors can enjoy browsing. Thanks to all who have submitted synthetic sequences, keep them coming and help CByD grow.
April 2012: Five papers published in the first 4 months of 2012 – Congrats group. In the first 4 months of 2012, the Njardarson group has published five papers in Organic Letters, Angewandte Chemie (2), Journal of Chemical Education and Future Medicinal Chemistry. Look out for more exciting papers being published in the coming months.
November 2011: We welcome first year graduate students Isaac and Edon as the two newest members of the Njardarson team.
August 2011: The Njardarson group just relocated into their new digs in the Carl S. Marvel Chemistry building!
June 2011: Chemistry By Design. Njardarson Group’s new educational website, Chemistry By Design(TM), is now officially launched. Free APP versions are now available in the Apple and Android stores. ENJOY!
January 2011: Welcome to our two newest group members: undergraduates Gabriela and Ivy.
January 2011: Fang Li joins our lab as a post doctoral fellow after an amazing PhD with Steven Castle at BYU.
October 2010: We recruit our first University of Arizona graduate student. Welcome Boying Guo.
September 2010: Everyone has arrived in Arizona. It is hot hot hot, but it sure feels good.
August 2010: Njardarson group moves from Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) to amazing Tucson, AZ to The University of Arizona.
August 2010: Matt defends his thesis (Dr. #4). He is now a post-doctoral fellow with Professor Paul Hergenrother at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
May 2010: Nick defends his thesis (Dr. #3). He is now a post-doctoral fellow with Professor Ron Raines at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
May 2009: Jason Morton defends his thesis (Dr. #2). Next stop, post-doctoral position with Professor Doug Stephan at University of Toronto.
August 2008: First doctor from group. Lindsay Batory defends thesis. Now lecturer at Scranton University.