Story, B. & Bunton, K. (2023) Perception of stop versus nasal consonants in female and child talkers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Story, B.H. & Bunton, K. (2021). Identification of voiced stop consonants produced by acoustically-driven vocal tract modulations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America-Express Letters.
Story, B.H. & Bunton, K. (2021). The relation of velopharyngeal coupling area to the identification of stop versus nasal consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Mailend, M-L., Maas, E., Beeson, P. M., Story, B. H., and Forster, K. I., (2020). Examining speech motor planning difficulties in apraxia of speech and aphasia via the sequential production of phonetically similar words, Cognitive Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2020.1847059
Gowda, D., Kadiri, S. R., Story, B. H., and Alku, P., (2020). Time-varying quasi-closed-phase analysis for accurate formant tracking in speech signals. IEEE/ACM Trans. Aud. Sp. Lang., 28, 1901-1914, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2020.3000037
Milenkovic, P. H., Wagner, M., Kent, R. D., Story, B. H., and Vorperian, H. K., (2020). Effects of sampling rate and type of anti-aliasing filter on linear-predictive estimates of formant frequencies in men, women, and children, 147(3), EL221-EL227.
Bergevin, C., Narayan, C., Williams, J., Mhatre, N., Steeves, J., Bernstein, J.G.W., and Story, B. H., (2020). Overtone focusing in biphonic Tuvan throat singing. eLife, 9, e50476.
Casilio, M., Rising, K., Beeson, P. M., Bunton, K., & Wilson, S. M. (2019). Auditory-perceptual rating of connect speech in aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Mailend, M. L., Maas, E., Beeson, P. M., Story, B. H., & Forster, K. I. (2019). Speech motor planning in the context of phonetically similar words: Evidence from apraxia of speech and aphasia. Neuropsychologia, 127, 171-184.
Story, B. H. (2019). History of Speech Synthesis, The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics, Ch. 1., pp. 9-32, W. Katz and P. Assmann, Eds., Routledge.
Story, B. & Bunton, K. (2019). A model of speech production based on the acoustic relativity of the vocal tract. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 246(4), 2522-2528.
Bunton, K., & Hoit, J. D. (2018). Development of velopharyngeal closure for vocalization during the first 2 years of life. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(3), 549-560.
Bunton, K. (2018). Update on Velopharyngeal Closure in Young Children. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 3(5), 4-12.
Mokhtari, P., Story, B., Alku, P., & Ando, H. (2018). Estimation of the glottal flow from speech pressure signals: Evaluation of three variants of iterative adaptive inverse filtering using computational physical modelling of voice production. Speech Communication, 104, 24-38.
Story, B. H., Vorperian, H., Bunton, K., and Durtschi, R., (2018). An age-dependent vocal tract model for males and females based on anatomic measurements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5), 3079–3102.
Samlan, R. A., & Story, B. H. (2017). Influence of Left–Right Asymmetries on Voice Quality in Simulated Paramedian Vocal Fold Paralysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(2), 306-321.
Story, B. H., and Bunton, K., (2017). An acoustically-driven vocal tract model for stop consonant production, Speech Comm., 87, 1-17. Final version published online: 20-Dec-2016. DOI information: 10.1016/j.specom.2016.12.001. Accompanying audio samples
Story, B. H., and Bunton, K., (2017). Vowel space density as an indicator of speech performance, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5), EL458-EL464.
Bunton, K., and Story, B. H. (2016). Arizona Child Acoustic Database Repository. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 68(3), 107-111.
Lester-Smith, R. A., and Story, B. H. (2016). The effects of physiological adjustments on the perceptual and acoustical characteristics of vibrato as a model of vocal tremor. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(5), 3827-3833.
Neely, K. D., Bunton, K., and Story, B. H. (2016). A modeling study of the effects of vocal tract movement duration and magnitude on the F2 trajectory in CV words. J Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, 1327-1334.
Story, B. H., (2016). The Vocal Tract in Singing, in The Oxford Handbook of Singing, G. Welch, D.M. Howard, & J. Nix, Eds., (2016). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199660773.013.012
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (2016). Formant measurement in children’s speech based on spectral filtering, Speech Communication, 76, 93-111.
Carbonell, K. M., Lester, R. A., Story, B. H., and Lotto, A. J., (2015). Discriminating simulated vocal tremor using amplitude modulation spectra, Journal of Voice, 29(2), 140-147, doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.07.020
Lester, R.L., and Story, B.H., (2015). The effects of physiological adjustments on the perceptual and acoustical characteristics of simulated laryngeal vocal tremor. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(2), 953-963.
Story, B. H., (2015). Mechanisms of voice production, in The Handbook of Speech Production, M. Redford, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, UK, 34-58.
Titze, I.R., Baken, R., Bozeman, K., Granqvist, S., Henrich, N., Herbst, C., Howard, D., Hunter, E., Kaelin, D., Kent, R., Kreiman, J., Kob, M., Lofqvist, A., McCoy, S., Miller, D., Noe, H., Scherer, R., Smith, J., Story, B.H., Svec, J., Ternstrom, S., & Wolfe, J., (2015). Toward a consensus on symbolic notation of harmonics, resonances, and formants in vocalization, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(5), 3005-3007,
Airaksinen, M., Raitio, T., Story, B., and Alku, P., (2014). Quasi closed phase glottal inverse filtering analysis with weighted linear prediction, IEEE Trans. Aud. Spch. Lang. Proc., 22(3), 596-607. DOI 10.1109/TASLP.2013.2294585.
Auvinen, H., Raitio, T., Siltanen, S., Story, B. H., and Alku, P., (2014). Automatic glottal inverse filtering with Markov chain Monte Carlo method, Computer Speech and Language, 28(5), 1139-1155.
Monson, B. B., Hunter, E. J., Lotto, A. J., and Story, B. H., (2014). The perceptual significance of high-frequency energy in the human voice, Frontiers in Psychology, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, Article 587.
Monson, B. B., Lotto, A. J., and Story, B. H., (2014). Detection of high-frequency energy level changes in speech and singing, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1), 400-406.
Monson, B. B., Lotto, A. L., and Story, B. H., (2014). Gender and vocal production mode discrimination using the high frequencies for speech and singing. Frontiers in Psychology, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, Article 1239.
Samlan, R., Story, B. H., Lotto, A., and Bunton, K., (2014). The acoustic and perceptual effects of left-right vocal fold asymmetries based on computational modeling, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-19, doi: 10.1044/2014\_JSLHR-S-12-0405.
Story, B. H., (2014). Structure, Movement, Sound, and Perception, Perspectives on Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders, 24, 7-20, do: 10.1044/ssod24.1.7.
Alku, P., Pohjalainen, J., Vainio, M., Laukkanen, A.-M., & Story, B. H. (2013). Formant frequency estimation of high-pitched vowels using weighted linear prediction. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(2), 1295–1313.
Bunton, K. (2013). Effects of Nasal Port Area on Perception of Nasality and Measures of Nasalance Based on Computational Modeling. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal.
Bunton, K., Story, B. H., & Titze, I. (2013). Estimation of vocal tract area functions in children based on measurement of lip termination area and inverse acoustic mapping. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Vol. 19, p. 060054). Acoustical Society of America.
Lester, R. A., Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., & Story, B. H. (2013). Physiologic and Acoustic Patterns of Essential Vocal Tremor. Journal of Voice, 27(4), 422–432.
Lester, R. A., & Story, B. H. (2013). Acoustic Characteristics of Simulated Respiratory-Induced Vocal Tremor. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22(2), 205–211.
Samlan, R. A., Story, B. H., & Bunton, K. (2013). Relation of Perceived Breathiness to Laryngeal Kinematics and Acoustic Measures Based on Computational Modeling. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56(4), 1209–1223.
Schleusing, O., Kinnunen, T., Story, B. H., and Vesin, J-M., (2013). Joint source-filter optimization for accurate vocal tract estimation using differential evolution, IEEE Trans. Aud., Speech, and Lang. Proc., 21(8), 1560-1572.
Story, B. H. (2013). Phrase-level speech simulation with an airway modulation model of speech production. Computer Speech & Language, 27(4), 989–1010.
Story, B. H., & Bunton, K. (2013a). Production of child-like vowels with nonlinear interaction of glottal flow and vocal tract resonances. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Vol. 19, p. 060303). Acoustical Society of America.
Story, B. H., & Bunton, K. (2013b). Simulation and identification of vowels based on a time-varying model of the vocal tract area function. In Vowel Inherent Spectral Change (pp. 155–174). Springer.
Bunton, K., & Story, B. H. (2012). The relation of nasality and nasalance to nasal port area based on a computational model. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 49(6), 741–749.
Monson, B. B., Hunter, E. J., & Story, B. H. (2012). Horizontal directivity of low- and high-frequency energy in speech and singing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(1), 433–441.
Monson, B. B., Lotto, A. J., & Story, B. H. (2012). Analysis of high-frequency energy in long-term average spectra of singing, speech, and voiceless fricatives. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3), 1754–1764.
Weismer, G., Yunusova, Y., & Bunton, K. (2012). Measures to evaluate the effects of DBS on speech production. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(2), 74–94.
Bunton, K., Hoit, J. D., & Gallagher, K. (2011). A simple technique for determining velopharyngeal status during speech production. Seminars in Speech and Language (Vol. 32, pp. 069–080).
Bunton, K., & Leddy, M. (2011). An evaluation of articulatory working space area in vowel production of adults with Down syndrome. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 25(4), 321–334.
Bunton, K., & Story, B. H. (2011). A test of formant frequency analyzes with simulated child-like vowels. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4), 2626–2626.
Monson, B. B., Lotto, A. J., & Story, B. H. (2011). Perception of high-frequency energy in singing and speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4), 2581–2581.
Monson, B. B., Vitela, A. D., Story, B. H., & Lotto, A. J. (2011). Perceptually relevant information in energy above 5 kHz for speech and singing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2569–2569.
Samlan, R. A., & Story, B. H. (2011). Relation of Structural and Vibratory Kinematics of the Vocal Folds to Two Acoustic Measures of Breathy Voice Based on Computational Modeling. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(5), 1267–1283.
Story, B. H. (2011). TubeTalker: An airway modulation model of human sound production. In Proceedings of First International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis. 2010.
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K., (2010). Relation of vocal tract shape, formant transitions, and stop consonant identification, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53, 1514-1528.
Bunton, K., & Story, B.H., (2010). Identification of synthetic vowels based on a time-varying model of the vocal tract area function, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(4), EL146-EL152.
Alku, P., Magi, C., Yrttiaho, S., Backstrom, & Story, B.H., (2009). Closed-phase covariance analysis based on constrained linear prediction for glottal inverse filtering, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(5), 3289-3305.
Bunton, K., Leddy, M. & Miller, J. (2009). Phonetic intelligibility testing in adults with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 12(3), 230-240.
Bunton, K., and Story, B.H., (2009). Identification of synthetic vowels based on selected vocal tract area functions, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 19-22.
Samlan, R., Webster, K., Jones, B., Bunton, K. & Tufano, R. (2010). Supracricoid partial laryngectomy: Swallowing, voice, and speech outcomes. Laryyngoscope, 119, 10-16.
Story, B.H., (2009). Vocal tract modes based on multiple area function sets from one speaker, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4), EL141-EL147.
Story, B.H., (2009). Vowel and consonant contributions to vocal tract shape, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126, 825-836.
Bunton, K. (2008). Speech versus nonspeech: Different tasks, different neural organization. Seminars in Speech and Language, 29, 267-275.
Bunton, K. & Keintz, C. (2008). The use of a dual-task paradigm for assessing speech intelligibility in clients with Parkinson disease. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 141-155.
Lowell, S.Y., Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M., Hoit, J.D., and Story, B.H., (2008). Respiratory and laryngeal function during spontaneous speaking in teachers with voice disorders, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51, 333-349.
Story, B. H., (2008). Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based vocal tract area functions obtained from the same speaker in 1994 and 2002, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(1), 327-335.
Keintz, C., Bunton, K. & Hoit, J. (2007). Influence of visual information on the intelligibility of dysarthric speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 222-234.
Bunton, K., Duffy, J., Kent, R., Rosenbek, J. & Kent, J. (2007) Listener agreement for auditory-perceptual ratings of dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 50, 1481-1495.
Pruthi, T., Espy-Wilson, C., and Story, B. H., (2007). Simulation and analysis of nasalized vowels based on magnetic resonance imaging data, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(6), 3858-3873.
Story, B. H., (2007). A comparison of vocal tract perturbation patterns based on statistical and acoustic considerations, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(4), EL107-EL114.
Story, B. H., (2007). Time-dependence of vocal tract modes during production of vowels and vowel sequences, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(6), 3770–3789.
Alku, P., Story, B. H., and Airas, M., (2006). Estimation of the voice source from speech pressure signals: Evaluation of an inverse filtering technique using physical modeling of voice production, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 58(2), 102-113.
Bunton, K. (2006). Fundamental frequency as a perceptual cue for vowel identification in speakers with Parkinson disease. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 58, 323-339.
Lowell, S., and Story, B.H., (2006). Simulated effects of cricothryoid and thyroarytenoid muscle activation on vocal fold vibration in males, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 386-397.
Mathur, S., Story, B. H., and Rodriguez, J. J., (2006). Vocal-tract modeling: Fractional elongation of segment lengths in a waveguide model with half-sample delays, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 14(5), 1754-1762.
Story, B. H., (2006). A technique for “tuning” vocal tract area functions based on acoustic sensitivity functions, J Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(2), 715-718.
Story, B. H., (2005). Synergistic modes of vocal tract articulation for American English vowels, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(6), 3834-3859.
Bunton, K. (2005). Patterns of lung volume use during extemporaneous speech tasks by persons with Parkinson disease. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 331-348.
Story, B.H., (2005). A parametric model of the vocal tract area function for vowel and consonant simulation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(5), 3231-3254.
Laures, J. & Bunton, K. (2003). Perceptual effects of a flattened fundamental frequency at the sentence level under different listening conditions. Journal of Communication Disorders, 36, 449-464.
Bunton, K. & Weismer, G. (2002). Segmental analysis of laryngeal function in persons with motor speech disorders. Folio Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 54, 223-239.
Bunton, K., Kent, R., Kent, J. & Duffy, J. (2001). The effects of flattened fundamental frequency contours on sentence intelligibility in dysarthric speakers. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 15, 181-193.
Bunton, K. & Weismer, G. (2001). The relationship between perception and acoustics for a high-low vowel contrast produced by speakers with dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44, 1215-1228.
Bunton, K., Kent, R., Kent, J. & Rosenbek, J. (2000). Perceptuo-acoustic assessment of prosodic impairment in dysarthria. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 14, 13-24.
Weismer, G. & Bunton, K. (1999). Influences of pellet-markers on speech production behavior: Acoustical and perceptual measures. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105, 2882-2894.
Bunton, K. & Weismer, G. (1994). Evaluation of a reiterant force impulse tasks in the tongue. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 37, 1020-1031.
PRESENTATIONS (2008-present)
Story, B. H., (2020). Recent advances in voice production modeling. International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB). Grenoble, France (virtual). Keynote address:\\
Story, B.H. & Bunton, K. (December, 2020). Articulation and identification of voiced stop consonants produced by acoustically-driven vocal tract modulations. Paper presented at the 179th Acoustical Society Meeting, Acoustics Virtually Everywhere (virtual conference).
Story, B.H. & Bunton, K. (February, 2020). The relation of nasal coupling area to the perception of stop versus nasal consonants. Presented at the 20th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Santa Barbara, CA.
Story, B. H., & Bunton, K., (July, 2018). Speech performance density as a measure of long-term speaking characteristics, Presented at the 11th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.
Story, B. H., Bunton, K., & Diamond, R. (May, 2018). Changes in vowel space characteristics during speech development based on longitudinal of measurements of formant frequencies. Paper presented at the 175th Acoustical Society Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(3), 1971-1971.
Story, B., Bunton, K., & Vorperian, H. (March, 2018). Intelligibility of monosyllabic words produced by an acoustically-driven model of the vocal tract. Presented at the 19th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control. Savannah, GA.
Story, B. & Bunton, K. (November, 2017). The relation of auditory perceptual ratings of nasality to nasal port area in connected speech. Paper presented at the 174th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA.
Casilio, M., Rising, K., Beeson, P. M., Bunton, K., & Wilson, S. M. (June, 2017). Patterns of connected speech features in aphasia. Presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Snowbird, UT.
Casilio, M., Rising, K., Beeson, P. M., Bunton, K., & Wilson, S. M. (April, 2017). Patterns of connected speech features in aphasia. Presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Taylor, G., Bunton, K., and Story, B., (April, 2017). Clear Speech modifications in children aged 6-10 years. Presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Swink, N., Darling-White, M., and Bunton, K. (April, 2017). Evaluating the effect of instruction and task on the acoustic characteristics of speech production in older adults. Presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (October, 2016). Speech performance density as an indicator of clear speech. Presented at the 2016 Fall Voice Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (November, 2016). Identification of stop consonants produced by an acoustically- driven model of a child-like vocal tract, Presented at the 5th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of American and Acoustical Society Japan, Honolulu, HI.
Story, B. H., Bunton, K., and Vorperian, H., (March, 2016). Effects of vocal tract growth on gender and vowel identification based on simulated children’s vowels, presented at the 2016 International Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, CA.
Bunton, K., & Hoit, J. (March, 2016). Velopharyngeal Closure During the First 24 Months of Life in Typically Developing Children. Presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control. Newport, CA.
Neely, K., Story, B., & Bunton, K. (March, 2016). Comparison of lip rounding by children and adults. Presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Newport, CA.
Story, B., Vorperian, H., & Bunton, K., (March, 2016). Effects of vocal tract growth on gender and vowel identification based on simulated children’s vowels. Presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control. Newport, CA.
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (March, 2016). Simulations of child-like speech as test material for speech analysis algorithms. Presented at the International Conference on Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile.
Willi, M.M., and Story, B.H., (May, 2015). Acoustic Modeling of the Perception of Place Information in Incomplete Stops, Presented at the 169th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.
Bunton, K., Rumery, K., & Hoit, J. (November, 2015). Development of velopharyngeal closure: Motor or language skill? Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.
Neely, K., Samlan, R., & Bunton, K. (November, 2015) The impact of the Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) physical therapy program on speech production. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.
Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (May, 2015). A spectral filtering method for tracking formants in children’s speech. Paper presented at the 169th Acoustical Society Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 2305.
Rumery, K., Chong, C., Lougher, A., Hoit, J. & Bunton, K. (April, 2015). Velopharyngeal closure during the first two years of life. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention,Tempe, AZ.
Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (April, 2014). A model of children’s speech production, presented at the 2014 International Conference on Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics, Salt Lake City, UT.
Neely, K., Bunton, K. & Story, B. H. (April, 2014). Variation in formant trajectories as evidence for articulatory gesture overlap. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Turner, J., & Bunton, K. (April, 2014). Effectiveness of assistive technology teams in classroom AAC implementation. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Wilson, M., Chong, C., Lougher, A., Bunton, K. & Hoit, J. (April, 2014). Velopharyngeal closure for words versus nonwords in toddlers. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (March, 2014). Vocal tract area functions for child talkers. Presented at the 17th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Sarasota, FL.
Bunton, K., Lougher, A., Chong, C. & Hoit, J. (November, 2014). Perception of nasality and velopharyngeal closure in infants. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
Williams, C., Wilson, M., Chong, C, Bunton, K. & Hoit, J. (April, 2013) Development of velopharyngeal closure across sound classes. Poster presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Tempe, AZ.
Bunton, K., Chong, C., Faux, C., Wilson, M. & Hoit, J. (November, 2013) A noninvasive technique for determining velopharyngeal status across clinical populations. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
Samlan, R., Story, B. H., Bunton, K. & Lotto, A. (November, 2013). The acoustic and perceptual effects of left-right asymmetries based on computational modeling. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
Samlan, R., Story, B. H. Lotto, A. & Bunton, K. (November, 2013). Acoustic and perceptual effects of left-right asymmetries in simulated vocal fold paralysis. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
Bunton, K., Story, B. H. & Titze, I. (June, 2013). Estimation of vocal tract area functions in children based on measurement of lip termination area and inverse acoustic mapping. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, International Congress on Acoustics, and the Canadian Acoustics Association, Montreal, Quebec, 2aSC10, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (June, 2013). Production of child-like vowels with nonlinear interaction of glottal flow and vocal tract resonances. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, International Congress on Acoustics, and the Canadian Acoustics Association, Montreal, Quebec, 5pSC2, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Carbonell, K., Andrews, J., Bunton, K. & Lotto, A. (January, 2012). A test of intelligibility: consonant identification using noise vocoded speech. Poster presented at the 2012 Auditory Cognitive Science Society Meeting, Tucson, AZ.
Bunton, K. & Story, B. H. (March, 2012). Relation of constriction location, formant transitions, and consonant identification based VCVs simulated with a child-like model of speech production. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Santa Rosa, CA.
Bunton, K., Hoit, J. & Gallagher, K. (March, 2012). Development of velopharyngeal closure in young children: Preliminary observations. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Santa Rosa, CA.
Moody, A., Wikert, S., Dawson, C. & Bunton, K. (April, 2012). Velopharyngeal function during laughs and raspberries in infants. Poster presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
Bunton, K. & Samlan, R. (April, 2011). Speech sound production and resonance disorders in children with cleft palate: Assessment and intervention. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tempe, AZ.
Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (May, 2011). Decomposition of vowel and consonant contributions to the time-varying vocal tract shape. Paper presented at the 161st Acoustical Society Meeting, 129(4), pt. 2 of 2, 2456.
Bunton, K. & Story, B. H., (May, 2011). A test of formant frequency analyses with simulated child-like vowels. Paper presented at the 161st Acoustical Society Meeting, 129(4), pt. 2 of 2, 2626
Bunton, K. & Story, B. H. (March, 2010). Modes of vocal tract articulation in healthy speakers and dysarthria: Same or different? Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control, Savannah, GA.
Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (March, 2010). A method for determining vowel and consonant contributions to the time-varying vocal tract shape. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control, Savannah, GA.
Samlan, R.A., Story, B. H. & Bunton, K. (July, 2010). Physiologic, acoustic, and aerodynamic characteristics of breathy voice, Paper presented at the International Conference on Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics, Madison, WI.
Bunton, K., Hoit, J. & Gallagher, K. (November, 2010). A noninvasive technique for determining velopharyngeal status during speaking. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Story, B.H., (November, 2008). Quantal events generated by the structural and temporal variation of the vocal tract, Presented at the 156th Acoustical Society Meeting, 124, 2527, Miami, FL.